UserBenchmark: AMD RX 590 (2024)

Average Bench: 56.9% (117th of 716)

Based on 122,060 user benchmarks.Device: 1002 67DF Model: Radeon RX 590

AMD’s mid-range RX 590 is the latest refresh of their Polaris-based RX 580, which in turn was a refresh of the RX 480. This iteration yields 10% higher clock speeds compared to the RX 580 which is fuelled by an increased power draw from 185W to 225W. The 590 does not have a 4GB variant which is good for longevity. At launch the 590 was priced at $280, which was 20% more expensive and 7% faster than Nvidia’s then popular 6GB 1060. In today’s market the 590 can be found for little as $170. For more than 90% of gamers (≤1080p) the RX 590 (at $170) represents the best value for money available. Since the GPU is by far the most important component in a gaming PC, it is usually worth spending more on it. The next step up from a 590 would be to Nvidia’s comparable $230 1660S. The 1660S is a more refined card, less heat results in less fan noise, but both are capable of delivering silky smooth 60+ EFps in almost all of today’s popular games at 1080p with maximum details.[Nov '19GPUPro]

Average average bench

The AMD RX 590 averaged 43.1% lower than the peak scores attained by the group leaders. This isn't a great result which indicates that there are much faster alternatives on the comparison list.


Avg. Locally-deformable PRT (Bat) 71.8fps

Avg. NBody particle system (Galaxy) 81.4fps

Very good consistency

The range of scores (95th - 5th percentile) for the AMD RX 590 is just 11.2%. This is a relatively narrow range which indicates that the AMD RX 590 performs reasonably consistently under varying real world conditions.


Avg. High dynamic range lighting (Teapot) 68.1fps

Avg. Parallax occlusion mapping (Stones) 99.9fps


Average Bench

(Based on 122,060 samples)

62.4Lighting 71.879.8
62.5Reflection 68.170.5
87.2Parallax 99.9111
58.5% 79.9 fps
63.1MRender 67.771.3
69.6Gravity 81.490.3
50.4Splatting 52.754
53.7% 67.3 fps
User BenchmarksBench3D DX93D DX103D DX11
The fastest GPU (mainstream) averages a speed of 100%

CLim: 1565 MHz, MLim: 2000 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 24.3.1

Lighting 77.4

Reflection 68.5

Parallax 107

63% 84.2 fps

MRender 67.1

Gravity 89.1

Splatting 53.3

56% 69.8 fps

CLim: 1545 MHz, MLim: 2000 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 24.7.1

Lighting 69.5

Reflection 69.5

Parallax 107

57% 82 fps

MRender 69.1

Gravity 79.5

Splatting 52.6

54% 67.1 fps

CLim: 1545 MHz, MLim: 2000 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 23.7.1

Lighting 69.3

Reflection 68.2

Parallax 106

56% 81.2 fps

MRender 67.2

Gravity 79

Splatting 52.9

53% 66.4 fps

AMD(1002 0B31) ≥ 4GB

CLim: 1545 MHz, MLim: 2000 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 24.7.1

Lighting 66.9

Reflection 66.8

Parallax 88.3

54% 74 fps

MRender 68.8

Gravity 75.5

Splatting 53.2

53% 65.8 fps

CLim: 1545 MHz, MLim: 2000 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 24.1.1

Lighting 66.5

Reflection 66.8

Parallax 91.7

54% 75 fps

MRender 68.2

Gravity 77.1

Splatting 51.6

52% 65.6 fps

122,060 MORE »

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UserBenchmark: AMD RX 590 (2024)
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