Smash Ball Z - Chapter 1 - smoothieaddict (2024)

Chapter Text

Everyone had finally gathered to defeat Galeem and Dharkon, all from differing universes; the Hungry Wolf, Terry Bogard; the masters of Ansatsuken, Ryu and Ken Masters; and even the Blue Blur, Sonic The Hedgehog. Sonic was at the head of things this time, and decided to split everyone up. He had saved everyone the last time an intergalactic threat occurred, so why not?

With their teamwork, the fighters were able to beat their foes simultaneously. However, the two monstrous beings had one back plan in mind; release their strongest attack together. They sent out all of the Master Hands and Crazy Hands they had to charge it up; it was one big beam of light. "C'mon Sonic, let's can these hands!", Falco said, him, Fox and Wolf (begrudgingly) shooting some of the hands in their way. Sonic quickly jumped on Fox's, with Mario jumping on Falco's. They then went in to launch one final punch at Galeem and Dharkon, but the hands began to cross each other.

"Saa, mu ni kaerou!"

(This means "Now, return to nothing!", in Japanese.)

They both pulled power from a being nobody could account for; Orochi, the Gaia's Will, from Terry's neck of the woods. The hands then emitted and projected a bright light, which seemed similar to what wiped out most of the fighters in their first encounter. Unlike last time though, this light was all-reaching, destroying everything in it's wake, and Galeem and Dharkon didn't intend to leave anything behind.

The light went beyond the Milky Way Galaxy and expanded to across the universe. It encompassed everything, and destroyed everything. But then, it all began to stop. Galeem and Dharkon felt themselves being sucked into something; being trapped. The two then began to spin, when they were finally sealed away into the corners of the empty space they have created.

"My my, these two caused irreversible damage to this timeline." The Grand Priest then looked around, seeing that truly nothing was to be had in this realm. The Omni King was by his side, and he wasn't too pleased about it either. "This timeline was too hard to keep track off anyways; so many realms clashing with one another! It causes me a headache...", Zen-Oh said, wiping his head. "But there were a lot of interesting creatures here, especially the humans. The fights were awesome! I've never seen moves like theirs! The gods were impressive too!"

"I share that feeling, my lord.", the Grand Priest said. "The one called Palutena seems similar to us angels in a way, doesn't she?" Zen-Oh nodded, although the only real connection to be made is they both wielded staffs. Even though he knew this timeline was doomed, Zen-Oh was left with a sour feeling in his mouth; all of the gods in this universe showed extraordinary powers, and just about everyone else. That's when he got an idea.

Whis then suddenly got a message from his staff, to where Beerus was about to start his long slumber to the awakening of the Super Saiyan God. "Lord Beerus, it seems that the Grand Priest wants us to report to the Grand Leader's palace.", Whis said. This immediately got Beerus scared, as he asked what was going on. "It just seems that you might be having some new.... 'coworkers' as it were. We have to go now!"

Without no prior warning to the purple cat god, Whis and Beerus began their journey to Zen-Oh's palace. "Now hold on just a second Whis!", he said. "What does the Grand Priest mean by 'coworkers', huh!? He better not be thinking of replacing me!" Whis simply laughed, saying that didn't seem like the case. "Let's just say... you'll need tostep it up, my lord."

Beerus and Whis then arrived at Zeno's Palace, where a lady with green hair, sporting many golden accessories in a white dress, similar to what Whis would wear. In another similarity, she also sported a staff with a blue orb on the top, but it looked much different. She then introduced herself.

"My name is Palutena, and I was the Goddess of Light where I came from.", Palutena stated. "And you must be Beerus, the God of Destruction. Seems that we'll be working together." Palutena then explained what happened, and Beerus was shocked, but also angry. If he was there when Galeem and Dharkon were making a rampage, he would've erased them instantly with his Hakai! Palutena is scared when she hears about the Hakai, as nothing quite like it exists where she was from. Suddenly, they were teleported to Zen-Oh's palace.

Beerus also got to know Rosalina, the one that controlled space and time in her universe. He also met up with the Supreme Kai of Time once again, and her bird Toki Toki. She and Rosalina got along very quickly, being both controllers of time in one way or another. The Grand Priest and Zen-Oh then quickly came out, with Beerus seeing that his brother, and every other angel and G.O.D were present, quickly bowing as the new gods were also instructed.

"Well everyone, it seems that the natural order of Universe 7 has been disrupted for a moment due to an alternate timeline's events.", the Grand Priest said. "However, for their sake, they have gotten some new gods to help establish order there to make sure this doesn't happen again." The Grand Priest called them up in groups, and some just by themselves, as some universes had more than one god.

First up was Palutena's Universe, with her, her colleague Viridi, and her arch enemies, Hades and Medusa. Grand Priest established Palutena's new position as the Leader of The Kai's, making her the new head honcho of creation... once she got her creation powers down. Beerus smirked in delight. *Despite not looking like it like that Hades fellow, she seems to be powerful.*, he thought. *It seems I'll be able to get some fights out of her.*

Viridi was established as the Protector of Nature as she was in her original universe, but for everything and just not earth. Hades and Medusa were assigned as the Gods of Hell, deciding who goes into their domain forever and who does not. Hades looked at Beerus. *THAT, is the "God of Destruction" in the universe I'm going to be in?*, he said, scoffing. *He doesn't look like much at all. I'll challenge him and defeat him when the time is right.* The other gods in the universe were given their original positions, moving onto the next universe.

Rosalina was declared as the Overlooker of Time and Space, as there was other gods that would look over it that were above her. The Zelda Universe was up next, and Nayru, Din and Falore introduced themselves along with the Triforce they holded. Zen-Oh looked at the pieces in awe, calling them shiny. "Well, I'm pretty sure you three have a good place to put it. Next!" Everyone then suddenly heard big footsteps, as they were told to step out of the way.

"H-HOLY CRAP! They had dragons too!?", Champa said, as three, very big figures made their way. "As you are the creator of your original universe, you'll be residing here with your creations as Zen-Oh's partner!", the Grand Priest declared, crowning Arceus the Maker Of Everything and Dialga and Palkia as the protectors of Space and Time respectively.

Finally, a lightning strike came from the ground as the Grand Priest held his staff out. Slowly but surely, a figure formed, taking on the visage of a extremely muscular human. He had short whie bob cut hair, white jeans with a belt, and a tattoo scattered across it's chest with 8 lines that looked like snakes. "Oh, and who are you, dapper one?"

"I... am Orochi. I... am theGaia's Messenger."

Orochi then went on to explain he was the Earth, or the Gaia's Will given form. For his world, he said he took action because the humans of this universe were destroying the environment as they naturally evolved. He naturally took action, but of course, was unsuccessful in all of his attempts, and so were his followers. Seeing that the Earth in this universe was going to be a troublesome planet, the Grand Priest made Orochi the protector of Earth, despite being in one of his Hakkeshu's body.

And like that, Universe 7 was reformed, and every god took their position. All of this would take place before Beerus orders Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta, which still happens as it did in canon, but Beerus knowing that MUCH more gods than just Beerus are watching him now, and has to make sure he doesn't make any of them mad. However, Palutena would watch the event with her staff while going to Beerus's Planet, as she also knew the saiyans were a troublesome bunch of a race. At least, some of them.

At this point, Beerus would be fast asleep, as Palutena and Whis watch the planet explode. "Palutena, it seems you have a face of.... discontent?", Whis noted, seeing that she didn't seem particularly happy. Palutena then peered through her staff, looking for the Super Saiyan God that Beerus mentioned. She then finds a small baby boy by the name of Kakarot in a saiyan pod, only about 3 years old, surfing through the stars.

"I just think the saiyan race could be much better.", Palutena said. "It seems the fabled Super Saiyan God will land on Earth in a couple of days. Other saiyans seemed to survive too..." She then locks onto a planet called Vampa, which is very desolate of any form of life, even with Viridi trying to help it. "The one called Broly on this planet seems strong as well.... I have a plan in mind. Give me a second."

Palutena then quickly teleported to Planet Vampa. Wanting to see what his co-worker was up to, Whis quickly followed suit. Palutena chuckled, letting Whis along to where the child called Broly was. They are approached by multiple alien spiders, but a simple ki blast was more than enough to beat them. Finally, they descended into the cave.

"Excuse me, but is there a Paragus here?", Palutena asked. Quickly, Paragus came out from the darkness. He quickly asked who these two were, and Palutena politely introduced herself along with Whis. "There is another saiyan named Kakarot on his way to a planet called Earth. I sensed that your son Broly has great potential within him, his power being quite high for a saiyan child.", she said. "Can you bring him here?"

Soon enough, while Palutena was trying to get Paragus to a better world, Goku finally touched down on Earth. Nothing changes from this initial point, as Gohan takes Goku in, officially naming him. He of course, accidentally drops Goku, causing him to suffer a bump on the head like usual, which turns the saiyan baby into the person we all grown to like.

Eventually though, Goku does turn into a Great Ape for the very first time; but, Grandpa Gohan is more than able to handle him. Unlike Earth in the Dragon Ball world, due to so many more worlds being combined with it, the world is so much larger, giving Earth in this universe a much higher gravity. This in turn, makes everyone on it much stronger, especially by Dragon Ball standards.

This means that Grandpa Gohan won’t die this time around. Despite his sheer size in Great Ape, Goku can’t really damage him, so Gohan defeats him each time. Eventually, he just straight warns Goku to not stare at the full moon, eventually connecting the dots. This still doesn’t stop him from transforming occasionally though, so Gohan sees this as a form of training for his new grandson, seemingly from outerspace.

Eventually, he does take out Goku into West City for the first time, wanting to enrich his grandson’s understanding of the world. This also serves another purpose, as he wanted Goku to meet a friend of his; Dr. Light. He had gotten to known the doctor over their old years, with Light pulling inspiration from Gohan’s fluid movements in order create the first generation of working robots.

“Well Gohan, even with little expertise in biology, I am not sure Goku is from Earth.”, Dr. Light said. “With his monkey like tail, and the fact he can turn into a giant one at night, means that he is most likely an alien.” Gohan figured as much, as aliens, unlike in Dragon Ball, were very much a known thing, due to the presence of many on Earth.

“Well then, what type of alien is he, Light? Don’t you have one of those databases or something?”, Gohan asked. Light smiled, rubbing the back of his head. “Oh, I don’t need to look; I actually already know what type of alien he is; he’s a saiyan. Two just recently dropped here, a man and son duo by the name of Broly and Paragus. Here they come now!”

Paragus rushed into the doctor’s room, now in Earth clothes after the doctor gave them some money to get new fits to mix in. “I came as soon as I heard the news, Doctor! I presume you’ve been taking care for the baby, yes?”, Paragus asked Gohan. The grandpa naturally replied of course, as Paragus looked at Goku, who currently had a blue martial arts gi on. His hair was… familiar, but he couldn’t place a finger on which saiyan it reminded him of.

“Well Gohan, being a saiyan myself, I can help you take care of him. This is my son Broly; say hi to Goku, Broly.” Broly stepped out from behind Paragus, as Goku hopped down from Grandpa’s Gohan’s back to meet him. Naturally, the two saiyan’s innocent nature allowed them to get along, making all adults in the room happy. Goku and Broly were going to be great friends, and even brothers.

Time eventually passed, as Gohan moved his house much closer to Dr. Light’s, so that Goku and Broly were never that far from each other. While Gohan thought the boys martial arts, Paragus instructed them on their saiyan heritage, and how to control their Great Ape forms. Still like in canon, he removes Broly’s tail, in fear of him going berserk when looking at the full moon.

Over a couple of years of instruction, Goku has managed to get control of his Great Ape form, at least to the point to tell his enemies apart from his friends. Broly more or less has been trying to keep control of his immense power, as not even him or Gohan can really take the mutant saiyan at full strength; eventually, when he gets Wrathful.

Despite having no tail, Broly still looks at the full moon one day, when Goku is out training his Great Ape form with Paragus. Being a kid, he naturally feels jealousy that Goku can control his power under the full moon, while Broly doesn’t have access to it at all. Looking from the distance in Dr. Light’s home, he begins to get angry, his power level beginning to spike.

“Broly’s power is spiking! What is going on!?”, Gohan asked Light. “I don’t know why, he doesn’t have a tail, Paragus removed it! Let’s see what’s going on!” When the two walk into Broly’s room, they see him have a green aura. His body gains some muscle, as he begins to look back at the two old men; his irises, were yellow.

In a mad dash, he flew immeadiately towards Goku, faster than he or Paragus could react. All that the Great Ape Goku could feel was pain in his back, as Broly rammed it, knocking him to the ground out cold. Unable to contain his power, Broly began to scream out, shaking the landscape with his green aura growing fiercer; Paragus had no choice, and pressed the remote.

“Broly, stop! It’s for your own good!”

Broly was beginning to tamper down his anger, his aura especially fleeting once he saw Goku beginning to de transform from the Great Ape state. The collar around his neck was more like the one from the DBZ movies, where the control was more of a mental hold than a physical attack like the DBS one. Paragus caught Broly on the way down.

“That form, the way his power jumped. Did he managed to access Great Ape somehow?”, Paragus wondered, quickly hovering down to Goku and covering him in the boy’s torn clothes, as Dr. Light did a quick check-up on him. Thankfully, Goku was knocked out, with some injuries to his back; nothing that Light, even with minimal medical knowledge, could help with.

Eventually, Paragus began to include Broly on the training, and began to try to make him summon the same form that he did before. Over two more years, he is unsuccessful, with Broly only really able do to it if he gets angry. Even then, he still possesses no control over this form, annoying Paragus.

Around this time, Dr. Light personally came to the conclusion that Goku or Broly needed to socialize with someone their age; and so, he made Rock, a more human robot with the purpose to give the boys someone to socialize with, and also help Light with menial tasks in the workplace. Paragus suggested making him combat oriented to help with Goku and Broly’s training, but Light denied this, as this wasn’t Rock’s purpose.

However, the curious little Rock took great interest in seeing Goku and Broly fight, liking how they were just doing it for the moment, and nothing evil. Light began to at least think of implementing some of the fighting data of Goku and Broly he gathered into Rock’s memory chip; Paragus agreed, as he found this as a suitable middle ground.

But eventually, the boys didn’t find themselves alone for long in sparring. When the two, Rock, and Grandpa Gohan went along a stroll in Mt. Paozu, a blue blur eventually passed them, leaving the group in a big dust cloud. Not liking this, Broly and Goku began to give chase to whoever caused it, flying up the big dirtrail that was being kicked up. Once Broly and Goku got somewhat close, the figure looked back at them.

They were.. confused, to see it. It looked like a hedgehog, but all the quills and fur were blue. He wore red cuffed boots that had a golden buckle on them, and also sported two gloves. “Oh, sorry for the dust cloud there; didn’t expect you two to be able to keep up!”, the figure said.

“My name’s Sonic; Sonic the Hedgehog!”

”Well, Son Broly and Goku, nice to meet you!”, Broly said, as the two were more closer to Sonic, almost reaching his back. “I would like for you to fix the damage you done back there; this used to be our home.” Thankfully, Sonic listened, stopping to look behind him and see that he kicked up quite a lot of dirt. “Well then, as soon as you saw it…”

“It’s the soonest it’s gone!”

Faster than anyone could see, Sonic cleaned up the dirt, making everything nice and flat. “I just figured I would see a little bit more than was lies outside of my home, Green Hill! Nice place you got here!” Gohan and Rock regrouped with Goku and Broly, the old man astonished at Sonic’s speed. “My oh my, what great speed you have young boy! Would you care to put that to good use in martial arts?”, Gohan asked, figuring Sonic could be a great training partner for Goku and Broly.

“Eh, not really. I’m more about living the fast life and beating the bad guys that come in my way. I guess a visit to your house wouldn’t be too bad, I guess!” And so, Sonic went home with the group, getting to know everyone and Dr. Light, mentioning that he heard about him before from an enemy he faced; Dr. Ivo Robotnik. He gets along with Light pretty well, seeing him as a foil to Eggman in many ways.

He also gets to meet up with Rock, and his new sister Roll, after Dr. Light thought two robots would be better than one, as Rock couldn’t associate with Goku and Broly as well as he wanted. However, Sonic is a much different case, as while Rock is content with his life at home, the hedgehog tells him tales about the animals and Pokemon scattered around every zone he’s ran so far; of course, not forgetting to mention his first initial clash with Robotnik.

Before Sonic could leave, Dr. Light gave him something. “Take this smart watch, Sonic. You can keep in touch with Goku, Rock and Broly this way!”, the kind hearted doctor said. “Thanks Light, definitely gonna be using this a lot! I’ll be seeing ya!” However, a voice calls Light to his desk, with an horrifying announcement.

Dr. Light, you’re robots are attacking the factory workers! Do you have any idea what is going on!?” Dr. Light was in shock, saying that he will find the cause right away, but Roll alerts him to his computer, which is going crazy. Goku, Broly and Sonic followed him inton the room, and in Cut Man’s; no, all of the robot’s command prompt window, one word was present, filling their pages. The word?


“They have to be commanding the worker robots to cause this mess! But how, and all at once?”, Light asked himself. Then, a soldier came in, simply stating that the Robot Masters were too powerful. Light instantly replied that they aren’t made for any combat, but the soldier simply states that it’s true, before his gargled screams were the last thing Light could hear on that line.

“Mister Light! Allow Goku and Broly to take care of them; they are more than strong enough to handle the robots!”, Paragus stated. Sonic butted in, stating, “Let me get my hands in on this! Even though these robots may have some quirks, handling that is second nature to me!” Light instantly agreed, saying that they would need all the help they can get. But, Rock had something to say.

“Dr Light! Allow me to go too!”

The other three looked at him, with Goku and Broly nodding. “We might be strong, but those robots may give us some trouble. C’mon Mister Light, can’t you do something?” Broly and Sonic began to back Goku up. Rock asked for combat upgrades specifically, and due to the three picking at his ear, he agrees; at least, Rock will have people their to protect him, and friends that care about him.

“All right everyone! As the one with experience on robots, I can say that these guys may be a bit of heavy lifting.”, Sonic said, being the de-facto leader for this mission. He commanded Rock to go after Cut Man, Broly to handle Bomb & Guts Man, Goku to Elec Man, while he’ll go after Ice Man. “If you’re in a pinch Rock, just say the word! Don’t hesitate, man! Time to roll out guys!”

Sonic sped off to Ice Man’s location, as Goku and Broly waved at Rock, going off to their own fights. Rock hopped on an aircraft waiting for him, as it hovered into the sky. Cut Man saw this; “More of ya’ll lived? Guess I just missed the corners.”, he stated, commanding his worker robots to attack. However, Rock one shotted them with the Mega Buster; he looked at the transformed Rock, asking who he was. “My personal name, is Rock.”

”But feel free to call me Mega Man!”

To Be Continued!

Smash Ball Z - Chapter 1 - smoothieaddict (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.