The Independent TaiW · bding important', I'to'morso is an omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk--f ast.1 Formerly our ancestors wero nn iuoitoment to vivtuo; now thoy are tho oxouao - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Independent TaiW· bding important', I'to'morso is an omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk--f ast.1 Formerly our ancestors wero nn iuoitoment to vivtuo; now thoy are tho oxouao - [PDF Document] (1)





flfSOH TaiW

The IndependentHI

lOlt mi'c

No.z4z. HCoiaolulu, X3C. Saturday, May 4,--, 1S95. Ots.




TJe Independent Aftoci&fcion,

Oornor Allon Kekununon Btroet nearCustom Houso Honolulu, II,


Hosldlng Alakea Street Honolulu.

Subscription BatesFor monthTor months AdvanceTori yoftrlu ndvauco

The paper clollvored by carriers tliotown nmlmiburbnj

Advertisem*nts publlshod ronsonnbloSpecials terms for yearly nnd half

yearly contraots.

D.H.LEWIS,Business Mannfjor.


Dealers in Lumber and Coalnnd .Building Materials of itU

y'r'rQnoon 'Uroot, Honolulu.



225 Queen Street, Honolulu,

J. PHILLIPS,Pltim"ber and Tin( Roofer.


vkV 7lJitig Street,"vrv" Honolulu, H. I.




JS1T Particular Attention paid kindsItEl'AIHS.

Campbell Dlock, Merchant Streetmy3

anchor mmu'.'

Corner Nuuann and King StrteetKeeps the finest brands Liquors consnt-l- y

hand. Solo Aents for Whkey and tho lehiatcd Fredrlcksberg Beer.

Fresh Oysters for 'co*cktails per everystealer.

Nothing but straight goods dispensedthis popular resort



ONE GORDON- - COFFEE l'ULPEIt,Hand Power. bargain. A, ply forterum thin Offlco.

CITY SHOEING' !Hf'hom*o slinoing speciality. All

work'promptly nniVoa rofully itttoudud to.

JfcW Tormfl loasoiiabloan j'. WMoDQNALD,

Proprietor.GOG Fort Stroot, opposite tho

Pantheon Stabler

Merchants1 ExchangeH. SHAW, Proprietor,

Cor, Klnir and Nuuanu Streets. Honolulu,

i'iChoice Liquor and Fine Beer



Fort Btreot, OW JIoBonlo Duililing, nuxt

h, J, Lovey's Auction Itoom,

Ine Goods and aood Fit Quaranteed.

CleaslDg ani'ReiialflnlDOilell'ifil-clas- s Style

Original Oscarisms.

In tho present nttitudo of thoEugliBli it virtually bronoh ofgood form to nlludd to tholaniont-oi- l

Wildo. Hib nnmo, liko thatof tho monstdr Dnrrant, mayhardly lm m6ntionod in politosooioty. till, thoro is dony-in- g

his oxistonco and am (JuitoBuro nbithcr mbrulity nor iottorsWill bo nidod by couforing obli-vion on him. 'Prior to'tho blo

oxposuro that convortcdhitf hbt6riety intd noxious vulgar-ity, Wildo was ostoomod ono oftho olovbrost'bf British littor-htour- it)

Two plays '6'f his heldtho boards of impoitant LondonthoatroS; his podms woro glvonto tlici 'public in tho moat mini --

ablo typographical dross. Iliaoptgrams wflre quotod in tho'drawing rooms of London indNow York; ho had attained thocbmpletost voguo, tho 'vory sum-miV- rif

notoriety. At Unit time,Labouohoro's weokly,' T'u(t,offerod ifor "Usonrism,"

is fashionablo to cull thoseepigrams, valuablo prizo,, andtho competition "drew answersfrom ovorywhoro. Tho rowardwas divided between tho writorsof "a proflignoy that debarredhim ovori tho bust sjcictyr" and"He has much concoit that hoxfancies ho bus nono at all'; but

cannot'think tho"'judgo chosowisply as'poasiblo. UJho dlacri-minuti- ng

may soloct thoir favor-ito- s

from amongst tho 'list glvonbolow--a 'form of literary indulg-onc- o'

oahtiofc boliove will boffiught,with"Bpocially dangerousobhsoquonces'ovon though Wildois'thom*odol. Thoso aro thobpstout 'ri' 'pngo" of specimens',hnd somo of tliom aro roallysuperior, to tho originals in LadyWindermere's Fan.

A profligacy which dobarrodhim ovon from th6 vory bestsociety.

Ho has much conceit that hoovon fancies ho has none at all.

Punctuality is tho oarliost formofborodom. Faith is boliof intho uhbeliovablo. Tho amateuris'bnly synonym for tho im-

mature. Who shall agree wiion''dbctorn deoido Cowards make'conscience fbr'us all.' What can'tbo endured: must bo cured. Thoimportance of 'boirig 'earnest idnothing tofTiho importanco ofbding important', I'to'morso is an

omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk- -f


Formerly our ancestors weronn iuoitoment to vivtuo; nowthoy are tho oxouao for our vices.Tho fin do sieclo fifti commandmont is: "Honor thy childron,who do liot wish that thy daysmay ho long in tho land thatthou givost thorn.'' To loso yourparents is somolimos diplomacy.To find lhora ngaiir is'carolessness.Ho thinks ho rojigious, but hois only nncivil.

Tho optimism of tho manyis tho opportunity of tho fow.Public Opinion may sway the'city, b"t publie-hou- Bo opin-

ion that governs tho country town.If tho masses wero roally odu-oat- ed,

thoro would b,o moro ori-

ginality in crime. Success is thoart of docoiving othora. Happi-ness tho art of dooolving ono'

iflolf. Originality imitation'aj gVavo nor

tho cloak of inoompo- t-

tence, It is easy onough to tolltl?o tVuth; tlio art is" luW'besinottppll jt. "Tho Advantage oflioing iirnost" shows tlio folly ofbjefjig- - wiso." M'od9rri court'shfp,in'thvoo chapters! Ohook Ohec-qoo

Ohuck.f"to dh ill wind tjiat blows

oth'or pooplo any1 good. A jpurn-ali- et

an anp'nymoijs wrior offiction twonty-fol- Tr hours 'lato.Gonitis ia'thb porsiatent attqraptto make suro that you can'tadhiovo your wishoa. lawyer

-- MWW..J .


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it is






A is a

' r I iii it , 'learned gontloman who rosencsyour egtato from your onomyand koops it himsolf. But forprogross tho world might got onvory woll. Nothing plnguos n,playwright bo much us tlie im-

portanco of boing trivial.TJio Nqw Woman datoB from

Paradiso; alio is only Evo inknickcibookor's. Modorn womanis tho i'mmaculato concoption Of

an ideal. Women's rights -- nromon's doreliota. Man is a delu-sion; woman optiotl dolusion.With somo, lovo is tho end oflife! with many marriago is thoond of love. 'To bo good is bodorthan to bd boautifnl, fs tho shootonchof of tho hopolossly plain. 'Itis usually godd policy 'to do whatyou say, but inoinililb stupidityto Hiy what you do'.

Lovo is liko a Certain prooiotisointmont: of most account whenit is uttorly thrown Uwiiy. Hhr-riag- o

is tho m'islalco of ihe nim'y.Society is tho solittldo of 'the oivil-Izc- d

Tho most eiqulsite'liumansonso is that of dlsapp6intmotit;o'thorwiso miirriago would 'bo afuihtio. Miirriago is universallyplural; lovo is gonorall OliivJliyis ransculiuo mqthorlincss.

Whut is n. friend? Tlio only

poiBon who call betray you in thohour of need. Evil communica-tions are tho beginning of know-ledge '

The Ware.


British Troops Landeda , i r

in Nicaragua.

Chicago, April 27. A TimesHcruld special from Colon. says:Tho port of Corinto, Nicaragua,

has boon olosod. Tho threoBritish' warphips tho RoyalArthur, Sntollito and Wild Swan

have declared b pcacofulblockado of tho port.

Troops woro lauded shortlyafter midnight and immediatelytook possession of tho Custom-

house.There is groat oxcitomont in tho

town.Corinto (Nicaragua), 'April 20

(Mrdnight). Itoar Admiral Sto-phons-

has just nont tho follow-in- o

noto to the Commander'of thoPort:

"I havo to iuform you that inaccordnnco with tho notico com-

municated by mo to tho 'ForeignMinister at Managua ' tho throodays allowod by rho will oxpiro atmidnight of Friday, April 26th,and if tho domah'ds of my Gov-

ernment Imvd not boon compliedwith it is my intention to occupytho town of Corinto with unarmed forco morning,tho 27th inst., at 1 o'olook, ,

"I dosiro that tho militaryguard under your ordors shall bodisarmed and that thoir arms,with Krupp guns nud ammunitlorishall bo hundod ovor to CrptainFrodoriolc Fronoh of the Royal



Corintj, Apvil 2G. Tlio Britishhavo not landed. Artillery N hasbeen phvoed In position downtown so as to insuro, in caso oftho lapding of ari, ttrmodBritjshforco. that tho lives ond propertyof natives and foroignors Bliallfbe""proteotod, Tho oxcitomont hn,8

coolod Boraowhat. Gonoral Rtvasof Mosquito const fqmo arrivedto-da- y with 800 sol'diora.' f

Loona (Nicaragtia), April 2G.

Tho troopsaro ordered to bo ready,to march on nn hour's notico, ' 'Asemi-ofilo- ial tologran frqm Ma(-nagu- iv

sayB tho Govornmont isrdady to jiay tho monoy Englandasks, but objects to maklrigUjfJapology domondod. A tolograrnto that oflbot is Baitl to havo boonsont to England.

Manacua NioaraGruaV Anril 26Tho Govorraont has found tlmt

t ' " - i s i i

tlio prqmisos of nul from othorContral American countries inoaso of 'lroulo,.wjitb' (England-wor- e

wdrlhl088h witti (tho excqii-.ti- ou

of that pi Honduras. Tlmtcotntry is ready to holr, AnArnoricijn fleet is ,qxpcctod ritCorinto anxiously. Tho towais'pcacofulj although tho Britishwarships; nppoar to bo gottingeverything in xeadinosB to landtroops it nooossary. Thoro is ft

goncral fooling that Nicaraguamust acculo to Britain's, damnnd.but many hopo to obtain u delay.Tho Govornjnont socurod only$123,0'00 'in sllvor by Bubscrip-- 'tion. li'.Qro'gn Minator Ma'tii9

nnd British Minslor Goolin con-ferrc- il

this morning, aftqr whichtho lat'tor wired tp London Tjiifl

gavo rumors that n sottlo'-mo- tt

liadubloen reached. A rd-po- ftls

current tljis aftornoon thata soltlomont will ho mqdo Withina fewi liourn. Foreign Minsto'rMqtus' pays the Govormo'nt


doing and t huadpno all-th- at ispossible to. brinft about ft peacefuland liouorabjo arrangement.

Washington, April 20 In "ox- -.

piunaiion oi iuo ruiuaai oi iuuAdministration to' ontortnin Ni-

caragua's appeal for protectionagainst Great Brltiin it is nowloarnod thht'lho United Statos isreserving its energies so nsio doalwith tho JVjiiozuolan questionbcroming1yvwirou,1.hfa''0Wnia-- , --i hichcmnotbo much longor avortod,is reachod. Tho British Govern-ment hns been givon to understandthat tho Uniiod States dqesnotLiko issue with it as to tho frightto oxact an indomnity and roason-abl- o

ropuration from Nicnrjgua,considering tho gravity of thoofFenso committok by the Nicaoagua Government in expolling ft nl

and British subject fromthat country in dofianco of nilprinciplos-o- f intornatiomll law andcomity.

Tho fuct Unit Americans exepl-lod.- ut

tho sam timo by tho Nica-

ragua grvermont wero nfterwardspermitted do roturn to tho coun-

try has not in any degroo sorvedto palliato tho ofl'enso committedagainst Great Britain and against

.civilization in tho --oyes of thoStnto Department.. In consentingto tho execution of tho Britishprogrammo in Nicagua, howovor,tho Stato JDopartment was vorydar'oful'to givo lullSibtico 'that itwould not permit tho British totirinox a foot of Nioaragna soil norto ihlorfero with the ropublio anform' of gbverraont thoro. It wasfully intonded that tho noticoshould bo taken as an expositionof tho position of his Govern m'ont

in tho matter, and it is nsde'rted

that tho 'foars oxprcssed by thoLatin-America- n diplomatists herothat tho landing of 'BriliBir troopsat Corinto Woul'tl bo tho'fororunhorof a foroiblo Occupation lbj th6British of tho torrltoi-- ili ilidputobotweon Groat Britain and Yono-zuel- a

is without foundation.

..J-- l J i. i vvk. fc.

Jas. F.. Morgan.-- - f v7r.'


No. 45 (Jiifcn atreet,

Export ApprniBomont of Real! M f Ai A '

Eatato and Furniture,




tor, Gonvoyanco, etc,- r , ", , v

0 All land business entruBted to

Jitm will bo promi'tb uttondod to,

gj$f Oflkaond HestUonco: VnlInku



'" ' ', .sUV'f- - 'r- -,

You Never-- Saw Our "AD" Before

Did You ?This seems bea GpodS'Looationiii this Paper & OurSnoes areWorth Advertising,

Good Prices TOO !

The Big Port Street'SHOE STORE

Manufacturing Shoe Co.


lW4fRobinson Block, Hold St.,

" ' i.u?fr'y, .'J



Have Just Received, per Lute Arrivals, tho Largest Stock of FURN1TURE Ever Imported to this Country, Comprising

Hands nine CarvEdBedrnnfa Sets

In Solid Oalc, and of the LATES'l DESIGNS.


Beautiful Dosigus of Wiokor Wnro, oonsisting ofSOFAS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS,



between Fort and Nuuaml,


can those iudosiro

X ZT Q---

on hand' mado"to o'rdbrr


Countloss numbors of CHAIRS, in ovory stylo, including OFFICEHIGH CHAIRS. "' '

SZSZTllJTSIOT TABLES,o havo a number of cnlls for thoso Tablos, with CHAIRS to

match. lmvo now in Btook tho most


Sideboards -:- - and -:- - Chiffonier- X X "XTjOl. 1ST S n "

Divans covorod with PORTIERS aro bocotning qnito tho rago inpluco of LOUNGES wo manufaoturo thorn' to oi'dor. havo alaigo stook of PORTIERS to solcot from.

...... IB E3 XD ID

oio., you got anyyou





Groat Assortment of WIRE MATTRESSES Snrinc. Hair.(Moss, Wool-an- d Straw Mattrossos



LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pillows.CRIBS, CRADLES, oto.WINDOW SHADES of nil colors nnd sizes.CORNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings.

ies :e ifa x k,i in: a--.Muttrossos,t Loungos and all Upholstorod Furnituro ropnirod n

rensonablo rutos.'.CABINET MAKING, in nil its branohos, by Compotont Workmon.'MATTING LAID and Intovior Decorating undor tho Supervision ofMr,, GEORGE ORDWAY.

A j Oiip Goods aro First Class, and our pricos aro tho lowest Comonnd ho convinced a trial is Bolioitod.

1 ' Boll 525. telephones: Mutual 645.

(Jlaug pf*ckelg Jo.

BplCErS.Jfnolulu, nayaiian Islands


Principal Parts of tho World,! ,? and ' -

transact; a General Banking,J 'Business.

4rjGhor-:-Saloo- n


Another Invoice of tho World




On draught and by tho kog.

Also, as a Specialty,

Small Fresh California



Fernandes & Gomes


California Wines

and Spirit,

No. 502 Fort St., Honolulu, H. I,P.O. Box 430. Mutual Tolo.'MO.

GLipOI Frilly

Corner King mul Alnkei Streets.

S1-- :- Mil(Ti'K 0

l!y Everj .Steamer Irom San Fran- -

Cisco, wltbl

Fresh Fruit, Oysters,

Salmon, Poultry,Kto. Kto., Kto Eto,


SEARCHER OF RECORDS, COLLECTOR.Tranulntor In English niiU. Hawaiian, RealEstato Agent, Copvlst, Tynewdter, StampDealer, l'urcuaslug, CamqusslOu iuij Adver-tising Airent, etc., etc,,

HT" Any business entrusted to lilm willb punctually uul promotly attended to, asw 1 ns nil mittuM uouDdeutlul, Hawaiian 'eolcctlon a .ipoclallty.

Hy-- Olllce, o. 837. King St., tlio formerPrivate olllce of E. 11. Tliouias. Tho olllcu A

the ntho nowspapeHCA MAKAAINANA Islu tlio olllce In the rear under tliuuuuio loof


No 25 Nunnnu Street, 'Honolulu, II. I.

Commlflfllon Morrlnuitn, Iraportora anilDoalew in Gcnoral Jlorohaudlso, lino Maui-Ir- t

Cinnrti, Ohno3B' nnO Janenoso Orookcry-wnr-

Mnttlnga, Voboh of nil kinds, Cain,paorwood Trunks, Ratt in Chairs, Alineassortment qf l)tM Silks, choicest Brandsof Chlneso nnd Japnueso Teat) of Latest Ini,portatlom:.

g&r IiiBncctlon of Now Oooda reapoot- -fully uollcito a. l. O, Hox 158,

The Independent TaiW· bding important', I'to'morso is an omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk--f ast.1 Formerly our ancestors wero nn iuoitoment to vivtuo; now thoy are tho oxouao - [PDF Document] (2)







I If




'w tyjfys' W v"rsF?r ? l&ffV'ZhW yjnjr?5T";-- 'yr3- w- 5r, " ?j. w .vm j s'H JSJRWSIPSWW"' ';

.1--- ) r


SATURDAY, MAY i, 1895.

Russia, France, and : Gorui-- ,'

any object to the territorial'!

acquisitions Japan gets in thetreaty of peace with China.

Their objection puts Japan ina

clillicult position. If hor government give way thero is li- -

able to bo internal disorder.

The nronosition 'of ourmorning contemporary to 3cnd

Mr. Thurston to? Washingtonas commissioner of informationis a unique idea. Tho '

who through thocruolty of GreBham has been

stripped of his yellow jacketand taro leaves, has furnished

tho States with so much in-

formation about, Hawaii thatit will be sufficient for,, a fow.

years to come. Ho has "done"

the States as a first classdrummer and showman, andho has' made everybody sick oftho very word. Hawaii But,f f '11 Jfn '

if ho must have a' salarylctthe taxpayers pay it and make

the best of it. Call him vicerroy, or commissioner, or grandmogul, but send him awayfrom here.

rpVio T.aT-iV- i tOnacrHnTi

3frjfeWiSmHTho most important question

lor Dno government to solvent--

present is to tho ono dealingwith labor for the plantations.There is in certain classes aa'eciuea --

rueinig" ugutnstnrfurtii- -

orjimportation of Asiatic labor,but' the conservative portionof tho community cannot helprealizing that tho plantationsare' entitled io considerationand that their demand forlabor must bo weiged hand care- -

fully listened to Tho. government is doing its best to solvetho problem and satisfy allparties, but tho scheme nowproposed "will hardly ' fnoct tho.issue or settle the diflicultiqspresonted. If wonrq corrtct-l- y

informed it is the intentionof tho government to stop allAsiatic immigration as soon asfeasible and at tho same timodo' away .with tho contract sys-

tem',. The proposition is toimport "American" laborers.A loan for that purposo will

do negotiated and inducementspresented to a desirable classof American "settlers to coinoheYo and work for tho planters.

Tho contract .system willnot and cannot

,be totally

abandoned. But tho mostevil feature in it, tho iiiiprir

sonracnt for breach on part oftho laborers- - will bo omitted.

A white laborer will bo asked toeomo hero on a throo yearsagreement. His passage willoe'paid by tho plan tors engag-

ing him and it will be repaidby a monthly deduction inwages, the money to bo de-

posited in tho postal savingsank. Should tho laborer

leave his employer before hiscontract expire and without


II"?! W&JL- -

any cause given, tho money inHJTTTfS' 'Jiii's--' i." '

tho bank doposited out oi his

wages will bo paid to tho em-

ployer. .Should tho latter give al

good cause to tho laborer tocancil his agreement the moneywill bo paid to the laborer, and

the employer out. and injuredto tllO amounii oi uiu passuyumoney. It will bo seen thatthero is verv little difference

between this arrangement and

tho old contract system.

Who is to decide tho rightsor wrongs of tho employee aiid

tho employers'? Tho courtsof course And where would

thero bo a chance for tho poorlaborer against tho rich plant-

er who holds in his pocket theappointment of .tho magistratesand other officials ? If a mandid not suit tho planter causewould s6onbo found to dispensewith his services and thocountry, would shortly bo over-

run .with a class which so

far has 'not reached tho Para--

dise'of1 tho Pacific, that genusknown ' as - tho wliito tramp.Chinese and Japanese vagrantsaro numerous 'enough hero but lit'they aro angels in comparisonwith tho original and fullblood-e- d

American tramp.' until.' tho loan has beennegotiated, and tho ' neces-

sary arrangements carriedout the planters are, to. beallowed 'to import, .Chineselaborers. An order for 1200has been sent, and' specialwill bo mado to register, thorn,and make them" purely


simply agricultural ' laborers.The memory of tho govern-ment must be poor. Else itvoaUl vovombqi!thnt.thQ Japanese government lias emphatically protested againstfurther importation of Chinesein Hawaii in considerable num--bgrs. Tho Japanese govern-ment lqlairiis",that there is averbal' agrebmont between Ha-

waii and Japan, which bars thoChinese coolies Hawaii.Mr. Fnjii. made the. presentgovernment understand hisunequivocal ppsitipn in 'thematter, and there aro noreasons to beliovo that his suc-

cessor has adopted a differontview.

Iii regard to the wliito la-

bor .to bo imported, it wouldbe interesting to know howthoy are expectod to compotewith tho Asiatics and Portu-guese now in tho country wemean in regard to .wages andcheap living. Tho planter is,nlittlo too much' inclined tomake cheapness tho main cryin his labor songs. Ho doesn'teuro much for tho quality, colornationality of his laborers as long as thoy don't costtoo much. Ono plantation,we are told, has started dis-

charging its Pprtugueso'labo'r-ers- ,not to make room for tho

prospective American sottlors.Nojfhiubli. But for tho pur-

pose ' of replacing thorn with200 Chinese gentlomon now enroute for (Hawaii." u

' T' 5? .' ' 1.A proposition has been mado

to import a higher grado of.Japaiiose laborers and only

pion with families. In regard

- V. O. BOX


i n l

ft - IIWISIODS - ail(l"r:l!Cl!0;i


GoodBlItccoJvca by Evd'ry l'nokot from Iho Eastern States anil Europe,; .' ;.. J,


All Orders fnilMiuTy flUondod to and Qooda DeHvord to nny. Art ot the City TREE,






to th.o grade, wo would ltko to,knor who is to guarantee itand iross, tho stamp of approv

on it. Wo havo latoly re-

ceived soveral hundred Jap-

anese "students." It is aquestion if the "low" class willnot turn out the --best 'in tholong run. - &W

But what is tho remedy audwhat do you propose? feaory'natural question.

Wo believe that thero isright in Hawaii sufficient labor.Wo boliovo that if the govern-ment would pass a registrationact for all classes, it would verysoon bo ahown that tho "un-employed" element, if omploy- -od willingly or unwillingly,,would furnish all tho laborneeded by tho planters. Itmay not bo very cheap labor,but it would bo tho means ofsolving that most voxed laborquestion. Sh6uld then fromtimo td timo fresh supplies boneeded let us go' to Japan forit. If there is danger to Ha-waii from that side tho turn-

ing, point has boon passed, andmakes very little difference

if wo havo ono or five thous-and moro or les3 of tho littlobrown man within the islands.

The Kalihi Road.

Tho negotiations?- - botweon thoInterior Oflico and '.property own-

ers nt Kalilii in" regard to thoproposed now road lmvo not beencompleted yet. It is undors tookthat Mlnirstdr King tales'a veryfavorable view of tho. propositionand that tho road will rocervo hishearty support. A spociul appro-priaibrisho- uld

bo ins do for thoroad or tho road-dopartmo- nt willbo oijipulpd ' Ha uitlin.rj- - tvoikan appropriation fqr tho Kalihiroad will bo wiso and meet thonpproval of tho tax pagers theooner tho, work is' started thebettor for tho rosidonts of thatproaporons suburb.

c. W. Ashford Beforethe G--. A. R

Tho oncampmont of tho GrandArmy met at Sacramonto, ' nia,

on tho 2dth of April.After the regular businoss wasdisposed of tho courtosios of tholloor wore londerod to ClaroncoAshfqrd, onco Attorney-Gonor- al

Hawaii, brothor of V. V. Ash-ford, a past commander of GeorgoW. do Loug Post, G. A. It. Mr.Ashford mado'a very interestingaddress on mattors in tho Ha-

waiian Islands.In accordance wish his rem-

arks resolutions woro submittedcondemning tho action of tho 'Ha-

waiian Governmont inoxpollingAmerican Grand; Army m andenimprisoning othora. Tho mu'ttorwas referred ta tho author's post,

About ono thosaiid pooplo woropresent.

Too Truthful for Criti-cism.

Captain Painless, namo musthavo a seorot attraction for ourmorning contemporary, for it 'isnoarly irapossiblo for it to staggorthrough its loading qdUoriitl with-out montion of tho correspondentof tho Post and Transcript, Butwhy does it not gratify its readorsby simply quoting-th- long list oforrors, ,to reiuto wnion the late





Rooms 12


Ministor to Washington most nowbe roturned as spooial commis-sioner ofinformatiou? All whichCopt. Palmqr sont from henco lastyoar waa printod in a volume of138 pages 8vo, , and thero aro somotwenty copies of tho book in townFurther, his telegrams and lottorsof tho present year havo beenwidoly copied in tho United States.and doubtless sundry copies ofthoso havo boon romailed to per-sons intorostod nt Honolulu. Yet,tho sovorest critics of last years'work wera only ablo to discoverthat ho had accusod a pertainlawyer of being, in somo way re-

sponsible for an unfortunatoof tho lato qtioon, whoro-b- y

tho bonbvolonco of that ladymissed its aim, that tho nforosaidluwyor denied his ngouoy in thomattor. This year it was disco-voro- d

that ho had oinfusod thosilver balance with tho goneraltroasury balance, and by a typo-graphical orror had boen mado togivo tho inforonco that, tho lattorwas tho solo balance. In both ofthese oJsoa Capfc. Pnlmor madotho fullest and frankest of apolo-gio- g.

Now why not go on in thogood work? To bo euro, noithergood govornmont, royalty nornnnoxution suflorod or gained soonormously by tho abovo mon-tion- od

errors or oven by thoir cor-roctio- n,

and now wo happon tothink of it, perhaps this is thoreason why our contemporary hasnot put its finger on any othorblundor. Capt. Palmor is a careful, painstaking writor, a cor-

respondent who would novorintentionally givo a falso impres-sion, Ho is no moro infallible thanthe rost of us, but it is by reasonof his voracity tkat ho is chosento ropresont journals which willnot admit sensational mattor,much less pay a high prico for it,find truth is a much moro formid-able oppouont than misropresontution.

National Bfbnd Tjeaving.

Professor Libornio, the loaderof tho Hawaiian National Band,roturnod by tho Australia yoster- -day. Ho made satisfactory ar--rangomonts to'akatho band totho ooast. Thoy will loavo bytho Australia, noxt Wodnosday.Thoy will opon concerts at thoMetropolitan Hall in San Fran-cisco.

Accident. on the Australia.

The many l'rionds ot Mr. Han- -nigan, tho assistant ntowurd oftho S. S. Australia', will bo sorryto loam that ho mot with a painful accidont tho day bofore thestoamor reached Sad Francisco.Tho gontleman foil over a chairandbroko ono of his ribs noartho rogion of tho .heart, and isnow confined in tho hospital in


Arrivals from' the Coast

Tho following passengers arrived from San Franqjsco by tho W.II. Dimond: Mrs Onpt Nilson,Mrs A E Buchanan, ' Miss JBuchanan, II H McOlosky,Marian, Laura and PaulMoOlosky.

Passongor3 by tho S. S. .Australicuworo

Jus A Bu.ckloy, Mrs L Ahlborn,B Borgor,' G S Frasor, Rev J BJEhorhard, Harry 0 Disstan,Norman Hylo. Miss E M Heslop,Mrs E R Hondry


and child, RHaistoad, Miss Halstoad, War-

wick Hunt, Rov J M Kim, M

Katzonstoin, Miss'J Kilnor, Miss"A 0 'Lamb, Miss A Lamb, Mr.'A R Laws, Miss Lyons, II 0Nowman and wife) A 0. Tubbs,A 0 Wycoffand wife.








Probate Matters TheCircuit Court.

Judgo Coopor rondcrod adooision in Hawaiian HurdwaroCo., Limited, vs. D. L. Naono and"W. 0. Poaoook. This is an no-

tion for tho recovery of Jf38i. 25 formaterials furnishod by tho plaintiff to dofondant Naono,' and usedby him in painting tho hoiiso andoutbuildings of tliu dofouduntPeaco*ck, and also to oatublish alion upon tho buildings and landupon which they nro situatod.Tho court dcoides that so fur asdofondant Naono i ijonborned thoplaintiff is ontitlod to rooovorngainst him for tho amount suedfor.

"The donfundunt Poacookchums," says tho court, "that thomaterial was furnished to a sub-

contractor, and ho having boonpaid noarly his full contract pricobofore tho notico ot lion woa filodi

that tho lion cannot bo effectualin any caso beyond tho balancodno tho at thotimo of filing; and also that hois not liable abovo tho contractprico of tho buildings upon whichthe material was used. Sovoralother points woro raised by thedefendant, but I considor theabovo-montion- od to bo decisiveof tho case.''

On February 1893, Peaco*ckentered into a contract with G.W. Lincoln for the eroction andfull comnlotion of a two-sto- ry

frame resideuco and outbuildingsat Waikiki for tho sum ot $88l6,swhich was to bo. paid upon thocertificate) of the arahitoat in four-

teen payments. Liaooon was tofurnish, all. materials and labor.Tho dofondant Naono ngroodwith Lincoln- - to furnish all ma-

terials and labor for painting thohouse for tho sum of $779, anddio debt now sued for was incur-red by him in purchasing materi-als which wore all used in thoporformanco of his contract withLincoln, At tho timo tho lionwas filed Naone had received fromLincoln $053.70, and was shortlyaftorward paid in full. SovorallienH wero filed upon tho promisesbeforo that of tho plaintiff in thiscaso;

Tho OourtMs oonvinoed that thdowners cannot in any oa&o bocompellod to pay moro than thecontract price, It is of tho opin-ion hat tho plaintiff is limited inhis lion to tho balanco duo fromLincoln to Naono at tho data offiling, and that tho lien doos notattaoh for that amount if Peacookhad paid Lincoln in full or onlyowed him a balanco whioh is notsufficient to satisfy tho lions filodprior to that of the plaintiff.

is given against Naonofor $384.25 with intoroBt and costs,but judgment is rendered in favorof Poacook. Oartor and liinnoyfor plaintiff; Hatch for defendants.

Kinnoy has filed exceptionsto thodocision and a motion for anow trial.

Judgo Cooper has admitted thowill of tho lato Paul P. Kanoa to.

probate, and ordered lottors ofadministration with tho willannoxod to tho widow, KalojpuaKanoa, and Oooil Brown undor$3000 bond. Brown for potition;nono to contest.

An agrooment of counsol husboon filod to havo tho appoal of

J. S. WALKER,QejIel qE7 poF jrE HW"M IsljIds



. --

















Honolulu,-H- , I,i

plaintiffs, in J. T. Watorhotisoand othors vs. W. W. vDijrioivJand othors, hoard by tho SupremoOjurt in vacation. ..'

Annie Dliznbotlr Spetlcor, oxo-outfix- of

UuTwlllof O. N.Spen-co- r,

has fifed her account and

petitioned for dischargo. Receiptshavp.bqpn.ii$i 1 ,000," and payments$'HG.50jonving abainnco of $11,-183.- 50.

. Autoua, G, .Gunhan,dministw-toro- ftho osttttoof A. G. Onnha,

has filed his acoolint, showing rc-co- ipts

and oxponditures bahiucodat $520 10. .


Fined for Libel.

Hoshi, proprietor, and Ar'ai,editor of tho Iloohi, a Japanoaonowspaper, wero eaoh fined $100 intho District Court for libol. Thoeffenso consisted in calling n mannamed Mori, who had served aterm jn jail fo.x vagrancy, "a va-

gabond and a loafer" PaulNoumann, who appeared for thed:fondatit*,,notod an appoal.

Detectives Dismissed

Doteotivos MoEvoy and Wugnerhavo boon dismissed from thosecret Horvico, and tho. staff ia tobe reorganized, with perhaps animported man at tho hoad.

Mr. MclSvoy oallod at t!ioINDEPENDENT olfioo to contradict astatomont in tho Star, that ho

"talked too much." Ho si id itwas tho authorities themselves whooxposed th nut tiro of his employ-ment, whou they mado him giyoovidenoo ngiinst Bush, Nawahiand Crick.

Hard, to Please.

A young Englishman .visitingCorea was. inducod to paint thoportrait of tho commaudor-in-ohio- f

of tho Coroon laud'forcos, PriucoMiu YomyHuan. Eleven o'clockin the morning was tho hour fixedfor tho sitting; at six thirty thoprince, having boon unablo to8lop fur oxoitemout, arrived itttho place of appointment, and thoartist was forced to hop out ofbed and begin work. "As I pos-se- d

him," says tho artist, "ho didnot ultor a word nor wink an eye."And during tho wholo of a sittingof nearly three hoars ho satmotionless and spoechloss like astatue. ' It is finished, I finallyBaid, and he sprang up in a ohild,-is- h

fashion and caino over to lookat tho work. His dolight was un-

bounded, and ho soizod my handand shook it at intervals for noar-ly half an hourj aftor which hosuddonly bocamo gravo, gsturodat tho canvas, and thon looked, attho bao'x of it. Ho soemod hor-rified. What is it?' I inquirod.You havo not put in my jado or-

nament,' ho said, almost in des-

pair, I had painted his portraitfull-fa- ce, and as tho Coroans havotho strange notion of woarinethoir decorations in tho shapo.ofa small button of gold, silver,jado, or ambor bohind tho loftoar, this did not appear thoroon,I then triod to rcraonstrato, say-ing that it is inrpossiblo to showboth baok and front at onco; butas ho seomod distressed at whatwas, to him, a groat dofoct, Icompromised tho mattor by mak-ing another largo but rapid skotohof him from a sido point of viow,so as to inoludo tho doooratiou andtho rest rathor magnified in sizo.

xou will find no fault with thono,' I romarkod, with oonfidonco.Alas! My Ooroan sittor advancodto tho 'portrait, scrutinizedcarefully and turnod to mo .aggri-ovod- ly.

'Yos' ho admitted, 'youhave painted may docoration wellbut, whor*- is may othor oyos?

S. F. Argonaut.


&; .

Thp3asol3iill Season OpensTo-da- s.



The giimo to day botwbon tho

Star and tho Unknown promisosto bo a fair game, although tho

first naniodchib will bo in'a muchbottor position when its now battery arrives.' Tho following will

.play for Ihjs jiftdriiQoti,. and .thopublic will find many laminarfricos and a fow new ones. .LioholHart .will pitch and Harry Wildorwill catch. When the now '.'bat-

tery" arrivos Lionel will gointotho fiold whbro ho belongs. JohnGanzel, tho 1st B, is a now man inHonolulu'; but it is understoodthat ho is an old hand on thodiamond and will show some ex-

cellent playing. As 2d B wo find

J."0. Carter Jr. "Joo" bos gotbravely over Wxsyrtypc and it willbe' amusing toscohim doing somohard work for oncov aud stretchIiib long legs ovor tho ground.Sam Woods, tho fld B. IB also anow man. He is tin exco'llont

f tennis player and it iB to bo do- -

vout'y hoped that ho won't two gamos mixed and playH,tennis with tho bat; Willio and .

Chan Wildor as S'. S. and 11. F,respectively aro old stigers andcan bo depended on to do thoirduty. Goci. Atigus, who for-

merly pitched for tho Crescents,will bocoutorand DukoMcNicollswill bo a most ornamental L. F.Ernest Wodohouso will join, thoStar later on and probably takoa hand in the noxt gamo. ThoUnknowns woll, thoy are un-

known , but wo shouldnt bo n b'itsurprised if the kids will givo usu mil prise party and mako thoiropponents soe Stars..


; THE ltAOES,' Thoro is quito a broe'zo in' re-

gard to the 2:20 faco whichsohiobody wants and which thoJookoy Club ssoms unwilling toiticludo ,in its programmo, wocannot seo any 'reason why a 2:20r.ico should not ba arranged. Thom*oro tho morrior and Honolulucan now boast of a fairof 'trotters, which tho ownb'rs

would bo willing to got in train-ing and outor in nmicablo racos.Wo suggest to the Club to mako u

purso for "professional" trotters.All tho dooto'rs in town would bahappy, wo aro sure, to ontor thoirfancy horsos and prove to thepublic who can get tho fastost to

his pationts. . Thero aro Dr.Minor, Dr. Rrodio, Dr. Coopor,Dr. Rowat, Dr. Anderson, Dr.Horbortand Dr. Emmoluth, Eiohhas got a fancy trottor and all arokoon horsem*n. If duo notico isgivou wo should not bo surprised iftho array of inodioal men worocompleted with further ontrioa andDrs. Emerson, Rodgers and Whit-uo-y

joinod tho raco and mado thoirstepdb appear on tho turf.

St. Andrew's Cathedral.

T.ho sorvioes of tho second congregatiou of St, Androw's.Cath- -cdral Sunday, Willbo 'as follow: 9,-1- a. m. HolyCommunion with sormon, Sabctusrind Kyrio, . Hart . in D. jNunoDimittis, Rcothovon' in B fiat,Hymns 127 and 322; p.m.Evensong with eormon. Magnifi-oa- t

Barnby is D, Nuno DinittisTaylor is E fiat. Anthom.Thoradiaimorn hath passod away,"Uy VORtlwrtld. Hymns 135 and 25.

S, Klmura, doalor in Japanosoprovisions, has a card in i sissuo. Iis store is is the sam,building with tho Independent

DR. P0TTIFSCELEBRATEDAXTSTRuLlAJSr REMEDY.The only modioino for Horsos, Oattlo, Shoop, Pigs, Dogs and Poul- - '

try. A no'cesBary thing for Plantations and Ranohos without anyvorterinary within reach. A Romedy tlat is oasily.and roadily act-- ;1

mim'Btered; and with plain instructions on each bottlo. ' ' '

A comprohpnsivo and, neat, pumphlgt explaining symptoms of.diseases and tho treatment through tliose remedies will bq mailed on'application. Ono romody will not euro nlldtfioaBOB as' other 'patoiit'modioines claim to do.

For full partioulors in regard to tho virtues of Dr. Pottor's cplo- -

bratod Australian Romedy,Apply to


O. W. Maclarlane.Solo Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands

-- . - .






r ,





, ' ' .V

. .4:.'.'


The Independent TaiW· bding important', I'to'morso is an omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk--f ast.1 Formerly our ancestors wero nn iuoitoment to vivtuo; now thoy are tho oxouao - [PDF Document] (3)




'3 '


x' .

M '


,7L"ip !&ijf

- ,


QonBftlvos it Co rocoivcd bv thoS. S. Braunfols n fvoflh Hiipply offiuo red tablo Wino from Oportoand an invoico of extra Stladu Oilfrom tho sumo plnco.

It was naked about nn indif-foro-

football playor what placobo occupied in the Hold wan ho

a fiill-bao- k or a half-bao-

"No" was tho royly, "ho is u

draw-bac- k.

Tho Critorion Saloon hasordorcd u largo invoico of thooelobratod Bock Boor. It willurrivo horo in tho Australia onMay 3rd u fact that will pltmsti allfollowers of Uauibrinus

A Fresno nowapupor says thatit is tho duty of an editor to throwmud, and tho duty of,tllo man hitto sco that it don't stick. This isa now eohool of journalism.

J. P. Itodrignos, tho t tilor onFort Stroot, noxt to Tjovoy's auo-ti- on

room, oan furnish n suit ofclothos, a ooat or a pair of trous-o- rs

not to bo surpassod in Hono-

lulu. Ho has on hand u fino as-

sortment of tailoring goods fromwhich any customer can tako hischoice

It is coitiinly amusing 'to roadin tho Advortisor that Miss So-an- d

so is a beautiful girl, of torseeing the pictures which accom-

pany tho stitomout.

Oh. yos, Wing Wo Tui & Co.knock Bpnts out ..f everything intho lines that thoy advertise. Yougo to tlioir storo and see and dollars to doughnuts you do not loavewithout buying somothing.

Tho lato disoovory has boontnadu that tho people of Americancvor appreciated Blaino to hisfull worth until Grosham under-took to fill his shoos and provedhimself u misfit.


(Successor to Chae. Hammer.)

HilRNE SKing and Fort StrceU,

Is- - prepared to manufacture all kinds midgrade of llcuid-mail- Harness at short notice.

Lowest of Trices for Casli.

All work guaranteed to bo satisfactory e

leaving tho shop.


-- OF-


Corner Aljeri & KokuanaoaStreet (near Custom Houso) is

now proparod tn do all kind of









etc., etc.,

neatly and tastefully executed

at short not'co.

f2T Isluud orders solicited

and promptly attended to.

- lEF" For rates apply to



Another wagonette party Instnight.

Tho Independent's telephononumber is 395.

Tho Circuit Court will opon itsMay torm on Monday rioxt.

Oflicors of tho Woodlawti FruitCompany nro udvertipod !n thispaper. .

0. Stoccklo Iipb gJno to Hawaiiwith his kinotosoopo and gwpho-phon- e.


The "boys" in jail wore soronud-o- d

lust Thursday evening by awagonette party.

Don't forget tho ball gamo thisaftornoon botwecn tho Star andthe Unknown.

Mrs. C. A. Brown givos a partyat "Wuipio to day'in honor of Mrs.Fowler of London.

Tha Pioneer Building and InauAssociation will hold its monthlymooting on Monday evening.

Nigel Jackson, son of tho Ha-

waiian "Admiral," returned toHonolulu by tho W. II. Dimond.

Numerous pooplo aro findingrolief from tho sultry weather byenjoying tho soa battling atWaikiki.

Suhsoribors who do not rocoivotho Independent regularly arorequested to notify tho "offico bytdlophone.

A surprise purty wos givon attho Myrtle Boat Club's houso histnight, in honor of tho birthdiy ofMiss May Giles.

Colonel Cornwall will return onSaturday next from Maui andbring hta racing stock and stabloalong with him.

Senator Henry Watorliouso willoccupy his handsomo now oflicoto-da- Ho is in tho. commissionand roal ostato businosa.

Diamond Head lookout telc-r- a.,

phoned at 10 p, weatborhazy, wind light oast; stoamoiMokolii off Diamond Hoad.

Invitations havo boon issuedfor tho at hom*o of the oflicors andmombers of tho Honlani Yachtand Boat Club noxt Thursdayovening.

Hov' H. W. Pveck will not asgeneral secretary of tho- - Y. M. 0.A. during tho nbsonco of Mr. Cor-be- tt

on his honoymoon tour.

Tho promises on King Stroet for-mor- ly

occupipd by tho Holomuahavo been routed to a Hawaiianhui whioh will conduct a dryguode storo.

The shaft of tho stoamor Ku-liul- ui

has boon Bkilfully repairedat tho Honolulu Iron Works,under direction of Charles'Orozier, foreman of tlio black-smith department.

It is oxpeotcd to open thecricket season noxt Saturday. The.olub has not boon able to socuroa ground for itsolf, and'will boginpraotico on tho Makjki recreationgrounds. J

Mr. Saniuol Parker 'loft forWttianao in tho Ko An Hou yes-

terday. Ho escorted 1i!b aunt,Mrs. John P. Parkor, to Dr.Itusaell of Wttianao, who will per-

form an operation on tho 'lady'soyes. , '

"What do vou think of thowoman question, major?"- - askedthojudgo.

"I think it Is uskod much moroofton than is necessary, judge.",

"What do you moan?" "'I am speaking oftho'Wiman

question 1 understand that tobo tho subject of your-Inquiry.- "

"But what do you understand1to bo tho woman question?"

"Is-m- hat on straight?''

Light cotton Draporios natural-ly tako prooedonce of tho hoaviorlines this, timo of tho year, Sil-kolo- no,

Orotonno, and ArtDonimsare in demand, Thoso prottyfabrics nro shown in ranguifioontooloringa at N. S. SaohS, It


Great Moods in Hungary.

rn tmV lonua, April m. ino uun- -gariau towns of Mosoin, Ku'oz,Vilor and Itudolphngrad, all'flourishing places on tiro banks of

tho Dneiper, havo been nearlydostropoy by floods. Public build-

ings aud cottages aro washed away.Many persons havo perished, andhundreds of cattlo havo beendrowned. Tho damage amountsto nearly 10,000,000 florins.



Now York, April 2G. A cablespeoial to tho Herald from Londonsays: A dispatch to tho ContralNows from Madrid says: UnitodStates MiniBter Taylor refuses totalk on tho subject, but informa-tion obtained in othor quartorsconfirms the statement that thoAllianca affair litis boen settled,Spaii'givi l j ho .United ''Statesumplo and honorablo satisfaction,"hud admitting that tho 'Alliancawan outsido the jurisdiction andwuUrs of Spain vhou sho wasfired upon.; ,


London, April r Wildoand Alfred Taylor woro broughtup lor trial to-da- y at tho UrnBailoy and ploaded not guilty.Mon and womon fought for stand-ing room noar tho door throughwhich tho prisoners must ontortho court, Tho jury, composedof highly intelligent appoaringmiddle aged tradosraon, waspolled at 10:20 am. A fewminutos lator Wildo and Taylorworo placod in tho prisoner'sdock. Wildo's foco was drawnand huggaid, his hair had boonout and his swaggor manner hadentirely disappeared.

Juntico Charlos is presiding,0 F Gill conducts tho prosecutionand Sir Edward Clarko, L C,defends tho prisonors.

'Charles Parker Was tho firstwitnoss Hia testimony wasmost rdvolting but tho ,Tudgo heldit to ho necessary thut tho ohargoagainst Wildo "should bo ex-

plained in dotail."

War on tho Mormons.

Sale Lake (Utah), April 26Tho arros:pf John Book, tho Mor-mon tnillionairo and mino ownoron a ohargo of unlawful cohabita-tion, for having throo wivos, hascoated suoh sensation as has notaroused tho pooplo of this Territo-ry rinco 1890. Othor arrests onliko charges aro to follow if stroetrumors aro to bo roliod upon.

Tho prominent Mormons noxtbooked by rumor for th'o dragnotunder tho Edmunds Tuckor Actaro John Henry Smith, Presidentof Utah's Constitutional Conven-tion; H. J. Grant, ono of thoTwelve Apostles and a prorainoutinsiiranoo ngont and capitalistHiram J3. Olawson, bishop, andOrson F. Whitney, historian,author end bishop of tho church.All of these mon aro rich, power-ful socially and politically, andit is alleged that thoy havo boonliving with two or moro wivoseach.

Tho arrest of John Bock, to bofollowed, as allogod, by tho arrestof these prominont members oftho ohuroh of Latter Day Saintsis boliovod to bo tho first move iua political game whiph has for itsobjoot tho defeat of equal suflragoand consequently tho constitutionnow, being framed aud statehood.

It is alleged and on tho bestof grounds, that tho insortion ofan .equal nuflrago plank in thoconstitution by an ovorwholmingMormon majority in for tho spo- -oifio purpose of Ruing in absolutepolitioal control of tho now Stateby tho Mormong through and bythtfjVoto .pf tlioir womir. '' Thatthis move ii to bo dofoassd if pos-sibl- o

by tho old Liberal or Gon-til- o

element is evinoed by tho.practical ight thoy aro makingon tno tod assertion thatpolygimytisidoad in Utah.

OAN'y 11G BKA'T 1

Cool and dbCioious!

Ico Croara Soda and Sho- r-

hot Soda, os sorvott at tho1cl*tE ICE CREAM PARLORS.

May 4. 4ts.


United States.

Mips Lou Wihon savLil u pas-ong- or

train from bomg wreckedat Pauadoua, Cultforma. Shofound an obstruction on tho trackat a street crossing, and after try-

ing in vain to romovo it ran hom*o

and took a lighted lamp oft thetablo. Holding tho lamp overhor head sho stood in tho middloof the track to stop the apprpaehjug train. Tho onginoer Bhoworl

no inclination to stop tho trainuntil ho saw that the girl had nottho slightest idea of moving, "andjust in time ho roversod his on-gin- o.

Tho cruiser Olympic sailod fromSan Diego for tho 'north .April2G. A man named Johnson hadboon killod on board of hor, by afivo-in- ch gun broaking .from itsoarringo in tho recoil. Somo oftho crow aro giving out seriouscomplaints against the oflicors.His beliovod fgo-i-


to Mare Island for tho hold-

ing of u court-marti- al over somo

of the ofiicors.

Hawaiian Exiles'.

Another Report That They AreBent Upon Mischief.

Onco moro aro storios afloatalong tho wator front and in Fodo-ra- l

circles to tho effect that a con-

spiracy is being hatched up heroto sond a filibustering expeditionover to tho Hawaiian Islanup,Tho names of soveral exiles fromtho islands now residing horo areconnected with tho story.

Thoso rumors orop up regularlyafter tho .arrival of oach steamerfrom Honolulu. Almost ovorymail from tho island briugswarn-in- g

lottors to tho Govornmontofficers and tho Hawaiian Consul,tolling them to look out for cer-

tain mysterious vessels supposedto bo fitting out for an oxpoditio-ngain- st

tho Provisional Govorn-mont. Tho customs officors andscorotservico ngonts havo been onthealort all along, and havoundoubtedly friahtonod tho onomies oftho Hawaiian Govornmont' out f

any attempt to fit out vossols horo.It is risky business, and jf thoyaro going to mako tho attemptthoy will doubtlosa sook Bomo

sooludod place along tho ooastwhero prying customs officors

aro.scarco.It is said exiles Aldrioh and

Ash ford aro at tho hoad of thislatost movement, but, from whatcan bo ascortainod, tho allegedconspiracy has not got beyondtho talking stago aa yet. BothAshford and Aldrich havo saidoponly that thoy would like anopportunity to ovon up Bomo oldscores with thoso who had a handin dopprting them; but whotherthey would risk heading an ex-

pedition intondod to start auothorrobollion is a mattor of considor1-bl- o

doubt. S. F. Chronicle,

ComlDined Band Concert.

Dospito tho damp woather ofyeatorday oyoning, thoro was alarge gathoring at tho HawaiianHotol, to hoar tho Govornmontband and tho band of tho U. S.cruisor Philadelphia givo a com-

bined conoort. Tho coloredolootric lights in tho lanai, in thopavilion and in. the troos mado aprotty .soeno. Tho bands playedwoll together, Many residentsand strahgot--s were in tho lanuiand on tho vorandas, onjoyingono anothor's company, tho musicand the lights.

Tho Criterion Saloon rooeivedyostorday by the S. S. Australiaa largo invoico of tho colobratedBook Boor and Frosh' EasternOystors. Oystor co*cktails canalways bo had aftor oaoh arrivalof tho S.S. Australia: ivlSts

Tho Panthoon Saloon reooivoda largo invoice of Book Boor bytho Australia. This oelouratedbeer is rooommondod by all phy-sioiu- ns

as a univorul romodyagainst U dieoasos. It simplymakos your tiair curl, and curestho grippe in losss tlmn no timo.Wiion sorved .by tho over gonialGolonol "Jim" it has a perfectlymagical ofToct.

French. Dinrne.

A Fronch dinner will bo givonat tho Hawaiian Hotel this evo-nin- g.

Thoro will bo music by thoHawaiian Quintet Olub. Dancingin tho lanai vill follow tho din-

ner. Tho monu for tho dinnor is

as follows:


Oonsommo ltoyule, Cromo d'Orgo,Hors d'Oottoros,

Olives, Canape do Cavir.


Homauds Mayonnaise.


Suumou Grilles a la Maitrod'Hotol.


Filet Piqnco a la Montghis, Sellodo Mouton n la Jardiniere,

Punch Imporial.


DindonnoiUix au C reason,Boouf a l'Anglaiso,

Legumos,Asporgos, Sauco Uollandaiso, -

unouuouis au vjniiui.


Gleo do Fraisos au Madero,Oromo'Rovorao au Caramel.


Oorboilles do Fruits, Cafo Noir

Scottish Thistle Club.

At tho meoting of tho SaottishThistlo Club last night, a com-mitt- oo

was nppointod to confer,

with tho Sons of St. Goorgo, witha viow to, having a combined colo-brati- on

of Quoon Victoria'sbirthday. A voto of thanks waspassed to Ed. Towso, editor of

tho Star, for contributions of

papers to tho reading room tablo.Next Friday ovoning a slightchange in tho constitution will boconsidered.

Shipping Items.

The Archer is docked at thoNew wharf and will comerco todischargo to-d- ay.

Tho Dimond is at tho slip abovotho O. S. S. wharf.

Tho Australia arrived yostorday

afternoon from San Francisco,with a full cargo and passongorlist. Sho will, loavo (or SanFrancisco on Wodnosday, May 8

p,m.Tho barkontines S. C. Allan

nnU Planter cloarod at San Fran-cisco on April 20 for this port, .

Hotel Arrivals.

Tho followiug numod haveregistered at tho hotols mentioned:


H C Nowman and wife ChicagoMtKatzonstoui GermanyHarry O Diston Philadelphia PaG S Frasor Denver ColNorman Hoylo "Los Angoles CalJas A Buckley San FranciscoMrs L Ahlboru Kauai


H C McClosky wife & 3 childrenSan Franoisco

A H WoycoiT& lady Denver ColA L Tubbs Pasadena Cal


Translator in EtiKlitdi and Hawaiian, ltcnlEetuto Agent, Copyist, Typewriter, StampDealer, Purchasing, CommuslOn and Adver-tising Agent, etc., etc., . ,.

tsjr Any business entrusted to him willb punctually Mill promotly utteuded to, asw i as all matturd coiilidentlal. Ha.wullancolcctlon a speciality.

Br Olllco, No. 27. King St., tho formerprlvato oflico of E, 1). Thomas. Tho olllcu &

tlie native uowsnapcr lvA MAKAAINAN'A IsIn the olllco In thu rear under tho samu roo f

. BA,flCErS.Kuslu'u, Hawaiian Islands


Principal Parts ot tho World,and

Transact a General BankingBusiness.


All accounts duo to the Holo-

mua Publishing Company muBtbo paid at onco to tho under-

signed mauager at his oflico intho Independent oflico, on Koku-

anaoa Stroet, HonoluluEdmund Nonnin. '

Honolulu, May 3, 1895. tf,

Election of Officers.

At a meeting-o-f tho WoodlawnFruit Co. L'd, hold this day, thefollowing oflicors woro olected forthoonsuing term:

Jas, F. Morgan .PresidentA. W. Keoch .... Vico, PresidontJ. S. Walkor. .Soct'y & TreasurerC. J. McCarthy Auditor.

Tho above gontlemen with Mr.F. W. McChesnoy to act as Boardof Directors.



Honolulu, May 2d, It.

PioneerBuilding Loan Association

Tho regular monthly meetingwill bo held at the Chamber ofCommerce on

MONDAY EVENING,May G, 1895, at 7:30 o'clock.

5K3T Faynonts aro required ingold.

A. V. Gear,myd 2t Secretary.

Griterion SaloonFORT AND HOTEL STS.

Oiias. J. McOjutky, Managor

Popular Brands of Straight Goois


Frosh EaBtorn Oysters & Oystprco*cktails to behad aftor each air-ri-


of tho ss. Australia.


Famous Wicland Lager Beer.my4 If

S. KIMURA,Comer Allon and Kekuanaoa sts


Fitnsii Shipments Receivedby Evory Steamer from thoOrient.

Goods Sold at Lowest PricesIsland Orders receive special

attention. my4 lm


European and American! Dry Goods,

Hns Just Received


New Stocic



Victoria Lawns, jDImltiea,India Liuous, Nainsooks,

Sateons. Cotton Vongeos,

Scutch OIii;liniuN,

llandkorchiofa, Hosiery,Itiutona, Laces,

Flowore"and Peathors,


Flannelettes, Ceylon Shirting,Cretonnes. Art Muslins, Curtains,

Mosquito Nets, I'lalu & Twilled Cotton

And tho celobrated "MADArOLAMS"For Ladies and Children's UudorclothluR,

Also tho largest and lost assorted stockin the Islands, of

Bulling., Serges, Trousering, etc. etc.

USolo Agent for tho Popular

pEJftL gEtffflfl l$$MAt Popular Prioos.

L. B. KERK,Qucon Street, Honolulu, no. 1 t

E. B, THOMAS,Contractor and Builder

tZT ESTIMATES GIVEN on All Kind ofSloii, Uriel: and Wood Work.

King street. . tnj3

Merchant ExchangeCornor King nnn Nutinuu Streets.

S. I. 8!IAV...J,'ro).rlelor.

Tho Finest soloctlon of LIQUORS and

BEER, sold anywLoro in (bb'town.., , ,First-clan- s attomlafn. Call aud jadgo

for yourself.


No 25 Nurjana StraotIlonoluln, Ii. I.

CommiBnion Morchanti, Importcn-- i andDealers in Qenornl MerclmudiRo, fino Mauila Cigars, Chinese- ana Japcncso Crockery-war- e,

Mattings. Vases of all Kinds, Oim.paorwood Trunks, ltattin Chairs. A finoassortment of Dross Silks, choicest Brandsof Chlncuo and JapanesoTcas of Latest Im.porta tlons.

fptT Inspection of New Goods respect-fl- y

solicited.Bell Tel. 280. V. b. Box 103.


Wholesale ud





Cy Evory San Francisco Stoamor. ji

Salt Salmon in Baiuiels' a Specialty.

Fori Si., Honolulu. Tel. 24c,P. O. Bex 2Q7.

Anchor-:-Saloo- n


Another Invoico of tho World




On draught and by tho kog. '

Also, as"a Specialty,

Small Fresh Californiam



Eernandes & Gomes


California Wines

and Spiritb,

No. 502 Fort St., Honolulu, Hi IP.O, Box 43G. Jfutual Tolo, 140.

Cupoi F't --x


Corner KIuc; and Alakca Streets.

)'s -:-- Refrigerator

Uy Everj Btcaiucr trom San Fran- -


Fresh Fruit, Oysters,

Salmon, Poultry,ICro. Eto., Km, Eto.



The Independent TaiW· bding important', I'to'morso is an omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk--f ast.1 Formerly our ancestors wero nn iuoitoment to vivtuo; now thoy are tho oxouao - [PDF Document] (4)


Now! r TMrrrj tmuMWi irygw,


List of Cases for the MayJuay Term Oirouit of

"' the Court.


Itopnbllc of llaw'aii vs. J. E.Bush and J. Nawahi. Conspi-rao- y,

Castlo for defendants, i ,

' Ropublio of Hawaii vs. Geprgo'Mnlinn, projury 2nd degree.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. 0. Mit-ohol- l,

burghiry, Kaulukou for

Ropublic of Hawaii vs. PutrickOullon. Murdoi'.f 0 BrownKinnoy to assist prosecution!Magoon for dofondant.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs Kalia-kaui- la

ct al. Adultery. Appoalfrom Honolulu District Court.Achi for defonduiUs.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs' Kualiict al. Aclultory. Appeal fromWaialim District CoitrtrKano fordciondants.

Republic of Huwaii vs HailamaAssault with deadly weapon. Ap-

peal from Honolulu District Court.Achi for dbfoncltiiif.'' 'Ropublic of Hawaii 'vs Koliika-lae- a

and two others. Larceny 3d

dogrco. Appeal from Kobl'dupokoDistrict Court., Republic of Hawaij vs Kaniku.

Assault with dangorous weapon.0. Brown llano for defendant

Republio of Hawaii vs. JohnHapa. Robbory. Carter it Kinnevfofjdefondant. ffi

iiopuuno oi tiawan vs wuuaraFish. Failuro to carry lights.Appeal from Wniantto DistrictCourt. Kaulukon for defendant.'

Ilopublic of Hawaii vs Kuinu-koa- .

Malicious injury. Appoalfrom Wniana District Court.

Ilopublic of Hawaii vs II. ahi.

Housebreaking. Kanofor defendant.

Eopublic of Hawaii vs J. K.Nakookoo Malicioua burning2d dogrco. Kano-Poep- oo or dofondant.

Ilopublic of Hawaii vs.. F. 'J".'

Testa, Assault on public officer.Ap'penl from Honolulu, Districtuourc. avau ua forVdefondant- -ap'pollaut.


.Olio H. Nowton cl al. vs'. S.Kntilo ct nl Kicciinunt. Kinnoyfor plaintiffs. Achi for dofon-dtwit- p.

Annio L. Ulukou vs. Kupioluni.Assumpsit.? 'OaStlE-A'shfo- fd for',tr.ij.;. ...i.'.i'.u '.;phuntill. Hatch for defendants, Kaaukfti Kolley vs. CarolineAniu.Trosass. 0. "W. Ashford'Kaulhi for plniniifl. Aclii for dp--

"Lipino Eornvs W. 0. Aohi.Damage. Neumann for pin in tiffDefendant in porson.

Kailikoa1 Wnidnniioa vs Kulio-okaamo- ku

cl al. Ejectment:' Ku-hook- iino

for plaint If. Kanr-Ac- li

for defendants.Kamukoa vs J. R, Holt Jr

Roplovin. Appoal from WnianaoDis'Oourt; Kaulia for .plaintiff-appollb- rit

Cartor' ifcFC innoy fo

dofondant. ' '

, .


J." I. 'Dowsott vs. Maukoala ot al.iSjbomcnt, 0 Brown' for ,, plaintiff,oAvWshfc fbKd'ofendaiits. c

Jessio T. Naono vs, L. A. And-row- sj

case, . YjixyV. , Ashford forplain'tifffdefbrfaant in porson.

J. 11. Holt, Jr. vs. G. Lyourgusotal., assumpsit. 0. "W. Ashfordfor plaintiff, 'Noumnn for defend-ants, "

Pipi vs.'L. L. McCandless. Roadcontroversy in ISwa.Oahu. Ai)poalhom commifsionbr. Davidson forplaintiff, . Oartor Kmnnv fordofondant-appollan- t.

Wm. Mossmnn vs. Kalimahau-n- a,

Roplovn, Poopoo for plaintiff-appellan-t;

Costlo for dofondant.Main alias Koaweamahi vs. Rbv,

Qulstan otal. Ejeotmont. Aohi;iorplaiptiff. Iiatoh fpr defendants.

R.. W. Holt vs. Chang EgtEjectment, Rosa for plaintiffMagoon for dofondant.

Mole Uli ot al. vs. ThomasEmraBloy. Ejeotmont. KaulKnJohnson for plaintiff, V V. Asi- i-

ford for defendants,WailuuKekaulavs. V- - V. Ash-

ford. Assunipsit. C. Brown for"1

plaintiffdofendant in person.

y aij- - -- (.'... - .Trt -- .n ., n.rf UfiHi'tiflMuin uumiH i im-

ams i al. RoplpvUn. Cartor & Kin-

noy for plaintiff.R. It. Hind, 0. John Spencer e

alAssumpsit, W. R. Cnstlp forplairtliiLV

' Joo'Morrio ot ah vs. boo Hou.Ejectment. Aohi-Johns- on for plaintiffs.

W. it. Opfcrgolt ct'al. vs. MaryNaonb Stevens ct al. Damage.Hatch 'for plaihtlffd.

Knpunkola vs I. D. Iaea et al.Ejcctuio'iit'. Carter & Kinnoy for

plaintiffs, Achi for defendants.

0. S. Doskyjs. L. K. Kamaka--ia

et al AssturipBit. Appoal ,f romHonolulu District Court!, Edingsfor plaintiffs, Mogoon for defendants-a-


"Yap Kong vs. Kaaunna. Da-mog-

Appeal from HonoluluDis-trig- t

Court. Kaulia for plaintiffsappellant,, Kane for dofondant.


Republic of Hawaii vs. TuckChco. Extortion. Appeal from IInoluUi District Court. Neumann fordefendants.

Rppublicof Hawaii vs. Joso Pc-roir- a.

Larceny 3d degree Ar- -

"p'eali'rom JlOholuiu Ditrict Court.Kaulnkou for dofondant.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. Ino (w).Deserting husband. Appeal fromHonolulu Distinct Court. Kaulu-kon for defoncant.'

Republic o f Hawaii vs, Aii Mun.Possession of opium Appoalfrom Honolulu District Court.

'Achi for defendant.

Republic of Hawaii vs. BontoTgnacio. Assault and b.ittei'y.Appoal from. Honolulu -- DistrictCourt..-.Kanoak- u a for defendant.inflepuBHofKfi'Hav'iiil' vsFrai.kGouveia. Larceny 3d degrco. Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCouat, Kaneal,na for.defondanls.

Ilopublic of Hawaii vs. LooQuai Tong alias All Tunp. Posse's-si- pp

of opium. , Appeal from EwaDistrict Court. Foator ..for do-

fondant.Republic of Hawaii vs. H. Mor-

ton and F. TaVos. Cmolty to ani-

mals. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Neumann fordofendanls.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. E :"

Seditions", libel. ,.' Appoal fromHonolulu District Court. Non-ihTfh- n

for" defo'tidantsr' " '

Rbpidjjiftbf Hawaii va. Higgins.Possession of opium. Appoalfrom Honolulu District Court.Kq ulukou for defendants., Republic of Hawaii vs. A'1 Puok.Possession of opium. Appealfrom Honolulu District Court.Foster fordefbhdants. Conspiracy

Ashford-Croighlo- n ''for deforidant.Ropnblic ofHawsii vs. 'G. Sum-mor- s.

Burglary. Kaulukon for

defendants.Republic of Hiuvaii.js, .Dl'arada

Matznkami and Ito. Maliciousinjury..' --. ;. j j

Republic of Hawaii vs.,.ChongKin and two others. ViolatingSection 1, Act 21. Prov. Gov'tLaws; Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court.

Republic of Hawaii vs.- - CaptainHill. Barratry.

Ilopublic of Hawaii vs. A." Her-muns- on.

Manslaughter. Stanley'

or ddfendants.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. LooTing. Mayhom. Aohi to assistprosecution. Kaulukon for do-

fondant.Republic of Hawaii vs. Ling

Tai. Assult with intont' toravish. Kaulukon for dofonda-n- L

J .Ropublio of Hawaji vs. Joo.Dias.Liquor soiling without liconso.Appoal "from Waialua DistrictCourt. "

Ropublio" of Hawaii vs. Hoshin'a.Assault and battery. Appi-a- l fromHoriolulu'Dis'triot Court. Oastlofor dofondant.

Ropublio of Hawaii vs. J. V.

Carroll. Assault with weapon,ppoal from Honolulu District

Court. "Mogoon for dbfendant.



Tlios. Nott vs. CT. Gulick,guardian. ; Assumpsit .0. W.Ashforc for plaintif)'. Kinnoy for(lotondant.

H. R. Maofnrlano vs. Ira A.Lowell. Assumsit.i.Onr.tor & Kin-

noy for plaintiff.- - Hnloh ht.

,A '''(.tjOhna. Bolmrf ys. 1TftWniian(Gbv-briiradn- t.

Damagb. Castlo Ash-

ford for plaintiff. Attdrnby-Gon-or- al

for dofondunt; Kinnoy ofOoiinsol for dofondant.

, Pablo Artimo'vs. HawaiianQovornraont. Assumjflit. 0, "W.

'MMorct for r)iutntiff.'"At'fhrnnV:"Gonornl fqr dbfendant.

F. Hnvrison vs. RopublitS ofHawaii. Pamngo. Nouman forplaintiff,. Attornoy-Gouor- al fordofondant.

F. Harrison ot al. vs. Ropublioof Hawaii. Damago. Nouman forplaintiff. Attornoy-Gonor-ril fordofondant.

F. Harrison ot al. vs. J. ILBruns. Assumpsit. Nouman forplaintiff. Hatch for dofondant.

M. Davis vs. California WinoCo. Damago. Appoal from Ho-nolulu District Court. Foster forplaintiff.

Y. Ah In vs. .Chun Soo Olieong.Assumpsit. Appoal. from Hono-lulu District Court. Castlo forplaintiff. 0. W. Ashford for do- -,

fondant-appollan- t.

, Chin Wo Company vs. ChunSoo Chooug. Assumpsit. Appoalfrom Honolulu Distriot Court.Castlo for plaintiff. C. W. Ash-ford for dofondant appollant.

J. Tinkor. vs. E. Norrio ot til.Assumpsit. Appoal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Plaintiff in porsonRosa for dofondant appollant.- PotorHigii vs. Clmrlos Wall.,

J Assumpsit. IlartwoH for plaintiffiiutcii loruoionuant.

0. Moiuock vs. R. Oliver ot til.Assumpsit. Carter for plaintiff."

Antono G. Sorrao vs. J. GSorrao. Damago. Oastlo for plain-tiff. V. V. Ashford for ddfondunt.

L. B.Korr'vs. Akana. AssumpsitMagoon for plaintiff.

J. O. Cartor, .Admr., vs. ThoMutual Life Insurimco Co.Assumpsit. Carter it Kinnoy forplaintiff.

James J. Byrno , vs J.Allon ct al. Assunipsit. Hart-we- ll

for plaintiff;, Hatcli for nts.

James J. Byrno vs John- Martincl al. Assumpsit. Ilnrtwoll forplaintiff. Hatch for dofondant.

Ah Seo vs Quong Fong Wai Co.

Wator controversy in Kooluuloa.Appeal from Commiaioncr ofWater Rights. Hurtwull for do-fou- dant


Edma G. Trousseau 'vs. B.

Oartwright ct al. Assumpsit.Hartwoll for. plaintiff. Hatch fordofendan. .

0. 1. Sapoorn clal. vs A. Feokcl al. AsPumpsit. Nenman forplaintiffs. Hatch for defendants

H. A. Widomann vs E. B.Thdmas. Roplovin. Carter &

Kinnoy. for plaintiff.

D. Dayton, Admr. ys A.Droior. Trover. Carter it Kinneyfor plaintiff. Neumann for dofondant. '

F. W. McOhosnoy, Assignob,vs. Antono- - Lopezp-Assumpsit- .

Hartwoll for plaintiff. '"JURY WAIVED.

William Kauahi vs. "Ah Chow,Tresspass. Appeal frmn HonoluluDistrict Court, Kahlukou forplaintiff. Foster for dofondantappollant. ' ' '

J. A. Mogoon vs.- - Ydo King'I'nnn Kinnfmnnl P inintiu inpej'son. Davidson, for dofondant

"uppollant.' -


W. R. 0istlo vs. Loo 01'pt Samcl al. Assumpsit. Appeal fromHonolulu Distriot Court.Plaintiff in person. Davidson fordefoudunts-oppollanl- .

r W. R. Castlo vs. Loo Glut Samct al.. Assumpsit. Appeal fromHonolulu Distriot Court. PlaintiffIn porsbft. Davidson' for "defen-dants appollant. .

W. R. Castlo vs. Lqo Chit Samcl al. Assumpsit. Appoal fromHonolulu District Court. Plaintiffin porson. Davidson for defen-dants appollant.

W. R Castlo' vs. L,oo flint 'Samt' al. Assumpsit. Appoal from

Honolulu Distriot Court. Plaintiffin person. Davidson for dofon-

dant appellant.'

Chas Wilcox vs, W. 0. Aohi.Assumpsit, Appoal from HonoluluDistrict Court, V.;V. Ashfordfor plaintiff, Kahookano foidefondant-appolla- nt.

Domingo ' Oabral vs, Niaulaukoa. Damago, Appoal fromHonolulu District, Court. Aohifor plain tiffappollont, Kaulia fordefendant.

William Kalaohao ys. L Ahloetal.'V. V. Ashford for plaintiffAchi for. dofendants-appolla- nt

Moses Naaniani vs. Kahana'.Roplovin Appoal from HonoluluDistrict Court, Aohi for pldintiff-appolIant.lKauluk-

for dofondant,Union Feed Co va. 0, KJemrao

et nl; Assumpsit Appeal from

Honoluiq DtstKbrConrtritwTforplnintiff-appollan- t,

James Kuhia vs, Honomu SugarCo. Assumpsit, Appoal from Ho-nolulu Distriot Court,-Magoo- forpiaintiff.nppollant, Kinnoy fordofondant

S W Pika vs Kaili, Assumpsit,Appoal ffom Honolulu DistrictCourt, Jbhnsbn tor plaintiff-appol-ian- t,

Kahookanft for' dofondantGispar Sylva vs Malia Kaia ot

al; Ejcqtmont, Hartwoll'Perry forplaintiff, 0 W As'li'fbrd for dofondants

Jas B Castlo va D Lokana ot al,Assumpsit, Castlo for plaintiff,Achi-Poopo- o for dofondants'1

R V Hplt vs Goo-- Kiui Ifihmont, Rosa for plaintiff.' Castlofor dqfondant

Poo'maiHolani vs. Solomon Ma- -

'holbnn. Assumpsit. Ajipoal from

for plaintiff S. W. Maholona fprdofondant appollant.

J. Tinkor vd.r'Wra. Muxwoll otal. AssUtnpsit. Appoal frbm'Hd-nolu- lu

District Court. Plaihtiff inporson. Aohi for dofbiidantappollant.

L. P. Puuwouwou vs. D. Kolii.Roplovin. Appoal from Kooluupo-k- o

Distriot Court. Castlo fordofondant appollant.


Kahinn (w.) vs. Kulopo. Rosafor plaintiff. 0. Brown fordofondant. .'

Anna .Luddocko ys. W. Lud-deok- o.

Kaulukoufor plaintiff.Wm. C, Aohi vs. Isabella A.

Achi. Poopoo for plaintiff., V. V.Ashford for dofondant.

S.' Maluna vs. Mary Kind.Poopoo for pluintiff. ' '

Kinolud vs. Miloka Kauha (w.)Magoon for plaintiff. ' v

August Bock vs. Balbini Bock.Kaulukou for plaintiff. ' ' '

Ahsiin Ah Fooli (w.) vs. L. Ahf*ck. ;0. W. Ashford for plaintifi"

Esther K. Mulmulu vs. A. S.Malmiilu. 0. W. Asliford forplaintiff.

IdaE Hildor vs. Frank Hildor.Magoon for plaintiff.

Julia K. Kbliikulaniikiln vs.Koiiiknlanakiia. ' ' Hiiteh forplaintiff.

Maria J. Forroira vs.DomingosFerroira. Mtigooh for plaintiff.- - '

Nancy K. Ryan vs. Alfrbd P.

Ryan. C. Brown fpr plaintiff.John Kowalo vs. Lokalia

Nnkupa. Kanoakua for plaintiff.Mary Burn vs. James Edwin

Burn. Cartoi'itKinnoy for plaintiff.Knlnnm Kuhia vs. Komilia

Kuhia. Smith for plaintiff.Louisa Essor vs. Aug. Essor.

Kaulukou for plaintiff. .


A fow days ago a 'company waBfbrmod in this city who purchas-ed from C. J. Wngrior tho wholeand- oxclusivo rights for" thoHawaiian Islands to manufaoturoand uso tho Pborloss PrpsorvingPaint. flMioro ha'Yo boon num- -

borlcss attorapls to prbduoo unartiolo which would, pfbsorvoand nt thb sarao tirao protoct thovarious roofs ovor. buildings opthoso islands all of whioh havemot with morn or loss succoss,but each possessing somo wonk-no- ss

in point or quality whichhas rondbrod it praotically us'o-lo- ss

in carrying out tho. purposofor which it was intonded Ithad boon loft with Mr. Wagnerto plaoo upon thb Hawftiiah' lar-ket'- n

paint whioh by oxporimontand in actual uso during. tho pastfow years has fulfilled oyory re-

quirement ond tho Paint is guar-anto- od

not to, scale orapk, or runit boing possossod of a body whioh thoro is no oil

.spirits or ovaporativo Bubstanco.Tho main foaturos which tho now

company offors for its usq iponrQofs and its thorqughrosidtancoto any notion of hot or saltyatmosphoro and its woudorfulprosorving qualitios which fullyprovont any rust 'or doday, besidesboing o proYohtativb ,from thoravogog of pests. Tho PyorlossProsorving Co.,' nro proparbd.tpsond skillod workmop for thopurposo of. applying thq pa'itifand ovory contraot takoii by thdcompany is fully guaranteed.

'Tho prioos for this work indlud-in- g

labor and matorial arovorymodoratp qonsidoring- - thit thoguarantoo is against loaks,, etc,for a poriod oatiraatod upon thqago and condition df tho roofswhon tho work is porf oroJod.,

Tho Poorloss Prosorving Co.,will on application at thoir. office,97 King St,rpot, .oxamigp yourroof n,iul giyp eatimaos (roo ofclmrgo, nlso on "bridgea", pbrlqotb,

J It clly.


Wholesale. nd





tlty Evory Son Francisco Stoiimorj ',

Salt Sai.mpn in BAittiELa' ''' A'SfKOIALTY.

Fort St., Honolulu. Tel'. 24c,; Pt O. fir x 2t)7.



HCadprtcrs Enterprise .Brewing Co,

Largest Consignment of Boer

that oyer nrrived,.hore, iio'-,- y

on Draught

J. DODO, Vrop'r

Merchant Illxohancce

Cornor King nna Nunann Btrcott),

S. I. 8AV.;..rroi)rietor.

Tho Fiuest soloctlon ot LIQUOItS mid'

BEEIt, sold nnywliere In lliu town.First-clas- s att(iudar ""i. CM and Judge

(or yourself. .




ntoMMariposa ' Colohios MnyMloworn Colonioa liny 2Australia Ban Francisco. May 2Alameda San Francisco May .1

China' China uud Japan. . . . May 20Miqwora Vuncouvor'.". .May 20Australia San Francisoo .May 2 1

Arawft' , Cplonies .1 May U7AVarrimoo Colohics Jiino 0Cityl'ckiug bnFranclsco Juno 1

Mariposa - an Frauoisco. . . .. . Juno 1

CoptiO " China ond Japan,... Juno 10AUsrraua nuu rruncisoo.- - uuno fWurriinoo Vanoouvor June 21Alameda' Colonioa Juno 27Mlowow Colonics... JulyArawa Sau.Francisco Jiily 4Cobtio Ban Frauoisco . . . .". . Julv 10

.Australia San Francisco, July 15liity x OKing. uuiuaanii tiapan., .JUty 1

Miow'tira Vancouver.,. .v .... July 21Mariposa Colonics July 25



Mariposa Sun Francisco May 2Miowera Vancouver. w May 2Australia Son Frauclsco May 8Alameda Colonioa May 9China Ban Francisco May 2oMiowera CplonioB . May 24Arawft, San Francisco May 3oWarrimoo. Vanoouvor ...-...-

, Juno 1

Olty.Foklng China and Japan.. JiiuoAustralia San Francisco .... Jiino ;

Mariposa' Colonioa.- Juno 0Coptta Son Francisoo .... Jiino I7Australia San Francisco .... Juno 24Warrimoo G6lon!es ;, Juno 24Miowera Vanoouvor July 2Arawa Colonies JUly 2Coptio China and Japan . . July 14City Poking San Frauoisoo .... July 17

Australia San Francisco .... July 2oMioworai Colonics, ,,. July 21Mariposa San Franoisco July 25

onqjuljiparriage Manufactory

f&jt few asa&tin! .

- V I

W. W. WHI01IT, Pnoi'iiiBTon,(Successor to Q. West).

CAWUIAGE HUILDINa and UEPAIUlNd.from tho' Other Islands lu the

Carriage': Uulldliiff,' 'ftlrainlng apd PaintingLino will Moot .with Prompt Attqntion.

lilacKsmituimr in All ills various uranencsDone. , P. O, UOX 'Mf.. Nqs; 128 and 130

rort Street.

KWONG SING CO.Iirc.'-vlij- ti' ) d. or..'.:

ill ('HHi ,li Oi'":i-3,- 't) 0(i. 110 j

K'a.OQOKingSt.KeDaar BtUoI'jUUIU UVfA ,UOW

J0I3BING Promptly Attoncloa to' .i . i H

uov 1C 8rn

-- 1 il 1 JKi-JtL.5hTr-


ROOT'A ....' .. .

' ... I . .

. mc.



Can't . sleep, can't 2S IIIIIES'cat, tired, thinly ? It'sa tonic you want. mm



yvixr'i'purifies the blooil, Wm3Mr"j&imzytickles tho palate.


You drink; XH BET



E? ESi. En ire

rbA molt ATTOTIZINQ and wnoLGSOMIlI'BMPEBANOB DnlNK lu tho world. TIlYrT.

Aalc your Druggist or Grocer for It.



(or pleaauro mid get atonic. 'You take It as atonic and net pleasure.

Mornings;Sroori, ISTiht(lood all tho time. It removes the languor ol morning, sustains the energies at nou,

11IU tho of night HIKES KOOTIlEEK-klcllclott- a, sparkling, appetizing. Good aslluxury, good as' a tome. ,

It is heyond all dispute a wonderful hciillh-glvfn- g drink, and It is very easy for any oneto understand why this Is sy.v The root, herns, harks and berries, from which HIKES KOOTUEEK is Bklllfully made, arc the Identical thhlgs I'rom which physicians get their most helpfuljrcmedles. tor Instance: Do you helleve that sarsaparllla Is a valuable remedy ? WellHIKES KOOTBEEK contains more sarsaparllla thah many sarsaparillas. Tho same Is truu anto other Ingredients.

It Is doing moro to advance practical temperance than many people realize. It is usedand recommended by. the most caul Urns and conservative temperance people. The mostscrupulous abstainer can enjoy HIKES KOOTHEEK hhcfdt, and rccomincml it to others asan agreeable and healthful substitute for the strong drink which bo opposes.

It is a hom*omado and homcmaltlng beverage. It Is very easily prepared, and if theplain directions aro followed, It will always bu good. Every member of tho family, from thebaby to the grandfather, can enjoy HIKES KOOl'DEEK, and every ono of them will havebetter health for each swallow they tako. It Improves tho appetite, purifies tho blood, andtones the whole system. Children especially delight in HIKES KOOTHEEK. Its prepara-tion Interests them, and Its uso does them good. Jil thousands of homes. "HIKES KOOT- -UEEK that mother made," will bo among tho happiest recollections of childhood.

KEWAKE ! Do hot confound It with other Koothccr preparations, as it Is entirely un-like anything else of the kind, llcwaru of extracts advertised lor making Kootbeor, as theyare composed chlclly of coloring matter and oils to give them llavor, which oxclto tho nervesand cause nausea.

Hires Improved Koothccr packages makes really tho most harmless or onr fashionabledrinks, yet nourishing and 'strengthening tho blood It cleanses thu system of tbo polsonuahumors that develop In kidney and urinary diseases, and In Tact, In any caas that arises froman Impure state of the blood. ' '

Hires Improved Koothccr Is offered to tho pnblle with full eonfldcnc of itsmcrlts Itcontains no poisonous or Injurious properties whatever, and' an Infant may take It wlth'nerfeet safety; , v ;



Honolulu, Oct.

... " , i-

.,:) trV- - ' V '

I0. B)x480


New &

CORNER OF IKing &. Nuuanu.Sts


Botwoon Atil:oa & Richard Stx,

THE UNDEKBIGNED nto iproparod toall kinds' of

Iron Brass, Bronze, Zino,',- '

Tiu and, Qastiugo, AlsoGeneral Ropalr Shop for Stcani Knp,Inofl,

Ico Hills; Coni Mills,

Water Whools, WlndMills, otc.Muoliluos or U10 Cloaulng ot Coffee,

Castor Oils, Boins, Itamie, Sisa',

Piuenpplo Loaves & otlior Fibroun Plants, '

And Popor Btook)

Also MaoUiuea for Extracting Starch from

tho Manioc, Arrow Boot, oto. '

1ST Ail Orders promptly attended to,



: C

Suppo3o Nlafiara's endless stream

It lnllit lie so arrangedIMI'IIOVIO) 3Sr

By magic queer, toBEER!


suddenly he


Think what a mccca 1

would ho

For pilgrims, day and


To stand and drink upon

tho lirlnl;j. i ;''''Its ucclaroHs, client.

-- ,

...uiCO.-,.-") '

I Wholes.llo Druggist.. I

VVho.'esulo': Qrocora.2(!.

Telepiionk 215MtlTUAI.j .

'. r

Second-Han- d

TUB ....

XL Honolulu

11. 1.



This FirstCliiBs Bathing ItoBorthns boon onlargiul and ia now oponlo tho public, It is tho best placoon tho JBlnnda to enjoy n Butji, nndt'lioro Jh ho hotter nlitco to' lay oil--


Spooial accouiraodntions fov La-

dies.' Tramcars puss tlio door overylialf liour, and on Saturdays andSundays ovory flftoon minutoa.




The Cheapest Place ;?

on the 'Islands






t. Load











The Independent TaiW · bding important', I'to'morso is an omotidn 'onlyl,folt b'oforo bronk--f ast.1 Formerly our ancestors wero nn iuoitoment to vivtuo; now thoy are tho oxouao - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.