The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Athletic Supply Nine i net Cattle Hogs and Sheep var 40 60c 50c We continue bullish 11 to Hamburg Havre and and choice $475550 Grain and Provisions in wheat were largely box I 1850 Ind July The the follow reports at 17c 18c black caps WOLGAST BRADLEY TONIGHT Horse Racing Results AT AQUEDUCT ederal Reserve Statement be 33 the pi 55fi Silkollne dollars with RESOURCES Sh with treasury Ct AT ARLINGTON i securities bills al government securities HAMP TWILIGHT LOOP gold A TLATONIA and securities 3 0 1 Total resource? 0 2 AT CHICOPEE and Meridianese 0 40 8 27 10 I a A nr st 1904 from nine states and the Columbia for June show 27748 new passenger cars Invest the in ducing totaled Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold to the 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 three year olds mile Time of our subject of the in 1654 and that in college received wheat credited equal to 52 ter or in 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 etro a total Lake local 5 2 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 ft 0 2 ft 0 ft ft 0 ha 3 cel Directors of both organizations have approved a plan for acquisition by Safeway Stores inc of the assets and business of McMarr stores De tails of the plan soon will be sub mitted to stockholders Safeway op erates more than 2600 retail grocery stores 1600 meat jnarket in mid mer co*ke against notes with board ft ft ft 0 in or in 0 1 2 ft 0 Sh 442 508 318 bility news out that the stronger dle western states and adjacent ritory in Canada ab 4 43 42 41 St 3 1 392 Navy department awarded contract for 23 patrol planes for aircraft units to the Consolidated Aircraft company of Buffalo for 81709837 Contract was also awarded to the Wright Aeronau tical corporation for 69 engines at a total cost of $523506 Sh 6 5 0 0 ft July 1964764 29616 overcome a putting complex and expected to make an especially showing Sunday afternoon Eggs Specials 39 42 GIVES THREE PLANS IN ECONOMIC CRISIS league of the Hadley Harryrank 11 20 10 1 ri 630 602 Sh 370 324 4 38 July 1 1933564 30187 the regular $10 both payable August of record July 1 st 576 Pl 366 464 market $250: $450 8 lb basket Gooseberries crate Sh 5 2 3 1 Doll saucy 0 0 1 0 7 0 ft Sh out ollowing a meeting of directors of New York ederal Reserve bank no announcement was made regarding the rediscount rate which is 1 per cent Kuatwanr fiupryn2 ojae Duszczp Saletnikl Masztalcf Potlacf Burke Stroz 3 Tzrikos Sullivan 3 Ccagelr Durant 1 MuzphycfM tanl Cotep Cox 2 Total reserves Non reserve cash Bills discounted: Secured by government obligations Other bills discounted Sh 604 472 392 Lady Ver the held unpom Socialist has of to wheat as ex Dec Pc 122 10 12 4 10 Electrolytic copper for domestic shipment is eight cents a pound de livered to end of December with ton nage available at this price small as is also demand Export price is 8775 cents i London 3 2 By Clark Childs look for good of Washington: think position is much than developments in the last two ses sions would indicate but would post pone important new buying until more definite resistance to selling is shown or until there are news developments sufficiently constructive to turn the tide We rather expect such devel opments In the near and think they are apt to come from Washing Total deposits Deferred availability Items Capital paid in Surplus All other liabilities AQUATIC SPORTS Pittsfield July Ths fourth an nual 'marathon swim and other pro gram of water sports conducted by the Capitol theater will be held at Pon toosuc lake Wednesday afternoon August 19 There will be swimming races for girls as well as men and boys also boat races and other fea tures Pl 498 3T8 Sh 334 320 334 Dell that was probably acci was mystified by the lack showing the youth to Slagles 0 1 Reserves Sh 320 St 11 5 The United States treasury will withdraw $8496300 from depository banks in the second ederal Reserve district on the 13th This sum is equivalent to 7 per cent of the re maining balance on account of the 3 per cent treasury bond issue of 1946 49 Withdrawals throughout the country will total $23744300 on that day Remaining balances in the second district Will amount to $112879300 and throughout the United States $315459400 Capt' general Olympic Chicago July Vincent Barton of Los Angeles was recalled by the Cubs tonight in an attempt to bolster up their infield He will re port for duty Thursday at New York Johnny Moore an outfielder who has been playing in a relief role was sent to Los Angeles tonight 1 held exclusively settlement fund and gold certificates held by banks Investment Trust associates with ederal Reserve agents redemption fund Coen of Kansas 2 Santa Barbara champion and ab 5 5 5 5 RES 1 1 Sh 270 342 314 PL 5 2 6 1 28 5 18 8 0 0 9 0 Total Other securities oreign loans on Total liabilities Ratio of total reserves to deposit and notes liabilities combined Contingent liability on bills purchased for foreign correspondents Cash dividends were paid by domes tic corporations in June to a total of $412327778 according to the Standard Statistics company of New York This is a substantial advance over the May figures of $229608425 Electric light and gas companies led the list for the third consecutive month with pay ments of more than $62000000 leum companies were next with of more than $60000000 Total bills discounted Bills bought In open market government Bonds Treasury notes Certificates and Sh 340 250 384 3 5 Sh 426 324 268 Tap Paine Webber would make ment purchases: advise vestment purchase of standard com mon stocks at these rA crate $4 50c 75c: $4 ordinary at price conces po 4 3 8 2 3 3 3 4 0 GreenoI 9 OBachards 0 'Rouleau 0 IHLaV3 OITacv2 OlChenetl ILaB'rgec Pl 913 918 Pl 7 10 4 1 Pl 808 418 Wt 104 109 104 Childs company ing sales: 1931 June $1846611 6 mos $11899411 In June the company operated 109 restaurants against 113 in June last year Auburn ports for net profit ary interest federal taxes minority interests and other deductions equal to $106 a share on 191292 shares preceding quarter and $769385 $425 a share on 180882 shares quarter ended May 3J 1930 or six months ended Miv 31 profit $2361175 equal to $1209 a share on 195234 shares against $866008 $479 a share on 180882 shares like period of previous fiscal year zel Czecho leading 3 6 6 2 6 8 6 3 and Pr rrv won the second match Badlslaus Hecht 6 1 8 6 6 3 VATICAN IS CALM AS DUCE LAYS BAN Chicago July 9 (AP) duplicating low prices of when Shakespeare went storming tours in rural New York July 9 (AP) Midget Wolgast of Philadelphia will defend his flyweight title in the Coney Island stadium tomorrow night against Dark Cloud Bradley Negro from Holyoke Mass The match is scheduled for 15 rounds wt110110 115 Whisking Scion maiden 101 St 3 1 New England Trust company has declared an extra dividend of $5 and semiannual dividend or 1 to stock Almost the time on barn En gland wheat today sold at 53 cents a bushel This was the first instance since 1896 that July contracts which stand for the 1931 United States wheat crop have fallen below 54 cents Com parisons were evoked with records that wheat fetched 54 cents at Win chester Eng 1601 02 as farm rent cents New breaks associated with Liverpool price set backs resulting from cheaper Russian offerings and increased vessel charters for Russian grain exports Acute fi nancial conditions in Germany were also a factor with reports that the United States arm board was con sidering sales of government financed wheat to Germany on credit Wheat closed unsettled cents lower corn varying from 3 decline to advance oats off and pro visions unchanged to 10 cents down Selling pressure in the wheat pit was most apparent in the late deal ings influenced by lack of export de mand for wheat from North America whereas the movement of newly har vested domestic wheat was heavy ar rivals totaling 4058 cars Purchases of December corn were based largely on statements by a pri vate crop authority that there was yet no moisture reserve in the corn belt either surface or subsurface suf ficient to carry the crop through any period of even moderate drouth and heat He added that the possible ap pearance of a typical July heat wave became thus a matter of serious im port Oats declined with old crop corn notwithstanding oats crop damage re ports 3 0 0 With the will be Earl Hartshorn Al Dolan George 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 St 12 1 0 0 1 5 6 2 pr 0 0 0 3 0 140 160 pounds 1715 nackinr sows smooth light weights to $575 light good and choice 140 160 pounds light weight 160 200 pounds medium weight 200 250 pounds heavy weight 250 350 pounds 740 medium ana gooa choice 500 1050 po 2 0 0 ft 03 0 A meeting of investment Trust as stockholders has been called for the 29th to vote on an offer from United ounders corporation to ac ouire United ounders now owns 89 per cent of Investment Trust associates shares The offer provides that share holders of Investment Trust will re ceive $1264 a share in cash the liquidating value as of June 30 They may apply the proceeds to buy Unit ed ounders common stock at its June 30 asset value The offer expires July 30 resh discussions regarding further curtailment of copper production are reported in Wall street to have ended without any action resulting It was said that a certain small percentage of production was unwilling to enter a program to bring output below the present rate of consumption Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold 4 27 8 4 3 Sh 304 260 322 Bryn Mawr Professor Tells Professional Women New oreign Markets May Solve Depressiori Richmond Va July 9 (AP) Three possible remedies for the pres ent economic crisis were presented by Dr Susan Kingsbury of the Bryn Mawr department of social economy and social before a National ederation of Business and Profession al Women's clubs convention mass meeting tonight The remedial she named were to "muddle until one group is led to resist the depression at the expense of other groups thereby the overturn of so ciety and possibly even second develop a well planned eco nomic program 'which she said so far had failed an dthird opening up the markets of Asia and eastern Europe by raising their standards of living Her address followed that of Wal ter Millard of Cincinnati secretary of the National Municipal league who asserted the concept of outlawry of war following the Kellogg Briand treaties has opened up a new epoch demanding that hitherto unbridled soverign states should behave accord ing to a code of ethics LIABILITIES notes to actual circulation Deposits Member bank reserve account Government oreign bank Other deposits Total bills Due from foreign hanks notes on other banks Uncollected items Bank premises All other resources 2 3 2 0 ft 0 0 0 5 0 two year olds Time 108 2 5 544 940 Returns district of a total of registered against 37410 cars in May and 38701 in June 1930 The decrease was 258 per cent from 'May and 283 from June last year 39 39 43 84 37 three year olds 137 4 5 St 664 last night in action will go no contest Gil slated to mix Gearmen man English Netmen Win Two rom Czech Team Prague Czecjio Slovakia July 9 (AP) England'took a lead of two matches to none over Czecho Slovakia at end of the first Davis cup se ries the winner of which will meet the United States in the interzone final at Paris the 17th 18th and 19th (Bunny) Austin drew first blood when he defeated Rudolph Men piayer red from MACKIE'S MEDAL Bridgeport Ct July 9 (AP) Jack Mackie Jr former metropolitan am ateur champion of Inwood I cop ped the medal in the qualifying round of the ninth annual invitation tourna ment at the Brooklawn Country club today with 73 for 18 holes Charles Clare newly crowned Connecticut am ateur champion turned in an 82 and failed to qualify for the top flight in the biggest upset of the day Blueberries native crate $9 mediums $8 ordinary $750 few selected fancy crates $950 $10 Penn crate $750 $8 few higher Blackberries southern crate best $6 $640 ordinary $5 Cantaloupes crate jumbo 45 $250 $275 36s $250 $275 few 45s higher flats $1 $135 stds 45 $225 $250 few $275 ponys $175 $2 $225 Cherries native sour crate $275 $3 few earlj sales higher weaker medium quality $2 sweet sweet $350 sions Lemons crate Cal $8 $9 Jumbos $925 $950 Orange box Calif $4 $650 most ly $4 $550 la few sizes $4 $550 Peaches crate Ga $175 $3 few higher bu bskts $125 $150 Pears Bartletts box $265 $3 few higher Raspberries red pint mostly 12c lac few large pint 7c 10c local doz 36 411 41 43 84 46 Leslie Cotton England 42 36 78 Williams New Haven Ct 41 Lake Tor Wibom of secretary of the committee will visit Lake Placid this summer to conclude final preparations xor bweaen's participation in Olympic winter games to be here ebruary 4 13 Word of Capt iv looms projected visit Placid was received at Olympic office this week LOR ORIOLES 0 St Bl (Corbett) 104 1032 464 (JSraith) 105 '360 113 rkat (DaJzeU) 111 Washington July 9 (AP) Combined resources and liabilities of the: 12 ederal Reserve banks at the close of business yesterday were report ed tonight by the ederal Reserve board in thousands of comparisons for the previous week as follows thre year old 146 3 5 40 490 Sh 813 654 932 Storm Angel rinre Volta Hamlet Regusted Dad Meiners Es sential Lady Batts Castle Cliff OURTH $1300 and upwards allowances 112 4 5 Horse and Jockey Wt Nitty Leroa Stock ALCON ab 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 SLAIN ATHER OERS $2000 REWARD 34 0 2 1 0 0 1 37 36 39 38 IIRST RACE $12000 maiden two year old fillies 514 furlongs lOJ 4 5 Horse ana jocicey Locust Moss (KRusseH) 115 Upsez Ann (EPool) 115 Teedup (CarrolB 115 Also ran Lady Oldham Banking and Business Reports of the Day Earnings Statements' rom Corporations Automobile company re the quarter ended May 31 $2158765 after depreciati Night Baseball Loses Appeal to One Owner Oklahoma City July 9 (AP) Jack Holland owner of the Oklahoma stern league club has decided that night air and floodlights retard the development of young baseball play ers He announced yesterday his team Kill go on a daylight schedule July 19 with the exception of games each Monday and ri day which will not be abandoned be cause of their popularity majors are becoming harder to convince of a worth as ad judged by averages compiled by day night Holland said night game holds back the develop ment of young players for the ball is (harder to see both at bat and in the field The night air is none too good for the players The novelty of night baseball is wearing off to the extent that it does not pay to develop play ers on only a night basetail 602 Dizzy Thistle Telee Star Parade Carrie Etta Miss Hunt togton Jolly un Lerner Lass Lovely Woman SECOND RACE 41200 three wsar olds claiming: 4 mile Time 11 i 4 Horse and jockey wi Lady Ebony (Corbett) 107 Running Water (EPool) 110 Princess Peggy 105 Mich Kay Niagara alls Longworth Oakland Cal Manero Greenwich Ct Murray Montreal GuUIckson Cleveland MacWilliam Toronto Walter Hagen New York Leo Diegel Agua Caliente Bert Hodson England red Robson England Harlow Ios Angeles Arthur Havers England IL Loomis Hamburg Riley Rochester Stauffer Ann Arbor Mich 6 1 Also tan Chiefs Commander Oil Queen Born Reckless Phantom Rock Wacam crVTlf A 8 1 0to upwards claiming miles Time Horse and Jockey Wt St Royal Panoply (DMorris) 112 5 1 Sun r'ar (HCallahan) 111 Glenno (Weiner) 112 Also Surtees Croyden Call Loadings of revenue freight the week ended on June 27 75929 cars the Ameiican Railway as sociation announced today This was 20174 cars more that? in the preced ing week but 177400 cars fewer than in the corresponding week last year and 337279 fewer thAn in the same week in 1929 Increases were report ed in all commodities except ore chandise in less than car lots and live stock ry 1 SPORTING NEWS In and Out of Local Brokerage Offices 4 Walker Glen Mawr A Sims Hamilton Jules Hoot Kent Que Hastings Dundas Valley Walter Hagen Detroit Willie Lamb Uplands Butler Palm Beach la Joe Ezar Waco Tex Hutchison Humber Valley Syd Easterbrook England Jock Brown Montreal Wakelam Ottawa Archie Compston England erguson Weston McAuliffe Bridgeburg Ont Marsh London Ont Johnny arrell Mamaroneck Cox Brooklyn Klnnear Detroit Mich McGrath Hornell Kerim New Rochelle NY Tony Manero Long Branch Art Millea Amawaik McConn Perry Perkins West Hartford auiss Benin A' Hulbert Toronto Andy Kay Toronto Lex Robson Toronto Horton Smith Missouri A Whitcombe England Gtaniey Manco*ck Northville ball tourney adds further prestige to bid as a tournament city The A A has gradually gained a firm stronghold in New Eng land The activities in Western Massachusetts are well known The local City league and the Intercity league are both affiliated with the amateur association as are the Hamp shire Twilight and Connecticut Valley leagues which operates through Had ley Easthampton Northampton Hat field and other towns and the two Pittsfield leagues The champions of these circuits will have to contest for state honors how ever before being eligible to compete in the New England tournament The only other section of the state which will have a representative in the state tournament will be Boston though there is a likelihood that Worcester's City league winner will come under the fold before many more days have passed The of Vermont has no lea gues but Erickson former Springfield college athlete who is state representative has eight teams from as many different cities who will play an elimination tourna ment starting the first of August to decide the state champlonj In New Hampshire Patrick Hill has two leagues going one in Manchester and the other in Concord The winners will meet tor the state title and the right to represent the Granite state here in September rank Keaney of Providence has five leagues in operation in Rhode Island where the Interest is unusually high the of which will have a round robin tournament to decide the New England' contender There are three leagues operating under Dr William Casey in Maine while Con necticut'" has two in operation the Stafford Springs Twilight circuit and thj Hartford County league Harry Anderson is state representa tive in the Nutmeg state i There will be six teams in the New England tournament Just how these teams will play whether it be elim ination or round robin will be decided when the tournament committee Concordat and Lateran Pact Endangered Mussolini orbids ascists to Belong to Catholic Action Rome July 9 (AP) The question of the stability of the concordat and the Lateran treaty with the Vatican was raised today when Premier Mus solini launched another attack upon the Catholic Action society by for bidding ascists to belong to its sev eral organizations The duce himself initiated the in structions which were issued to the approximately two million members of the ascist party in which it was declared membership in the party and Yn the societies attached to Catholic Action is incompatible The pronouncement was regarded here as his answer to the question raised by Pope Pius on the differences between ascism and loyal Catholicism The Vatican was regarding Musso lini's order with a degree of calm Vatican circles saying it served tu clarify the question of membership in the ascist party and Catholic Ac tion which has been troubling both sides for more than a year Thus quesiton the Vatican believes is at the base of the present strained re lations The same question was put the Vatican recalled to Augusto Turati when he was secretary of the ascist party He then answered that it was possible to suscribe to both activities at the same time and even to hold office in both This answer has not been abrogated up to now and the pope referred to it in his speech made to the Catholic university students at the end of May At that time however President Righetti of the student group told the pontiff difficulties were being raised in the way of students belong ing to both organizations and that they were being told they must choose one or the other The number belonging to both the ascist party Catholic Action is not large it wtSsaid in Vatican cir cles and it was added the large pro portion of these who do are mem bers of the university groups where 70 per cent of the membership of Catholic groups also belong to ascist university organizations INANCIAL NOTES POLISH EAGLES a 0 John Spargo Lecturer As serts Moscow and Wash ington Polar Centers ot Present Move University Va July 9 (AP) John Spargo of Old Bennington Vt lec turer and writer told the Institute cf Public Affairs tonight that the su preme intellectual challenge of our time has its polar centers at Moscow and Washington and is personified by Stalin on the one hand and by Hoover on the other his bold championship ot Amer ican individualism and his promising "opposition to tendencies President Hoover earned the esteem and gratitude his countrymen without regard party or Mr Spargo said Harm of Well Meaning He asserted "the greatest menace to this country today does not come from Moscow with its red legions threatening world revolution It comes from no external foe but from within our own borders" Vastly more to be feared are the well meaning but mis guided' enthusiasts in our own midst who forgetting or ignoring 'the great lessons of history would have us de part from the socialized individualism which has made us what we are mas ters of a life that Is increasingly gen erous and fair to embrace discredited Socialist principles from which can come nothing except poorer living and The expressed doubt as to whether private property and 'individual en terprise are the best foundations upon which to build the social order no longer brings ostracism as an enemy of society as it did only a short time ago Mr Spargo said Attacks Government Ownership Launching into an attack upon the principle of government ownership of industries or any activities which would bring the government in com petition with private enterprise he said any fair method of accounting would show vast superiority of private enterprise the almost unvary ing wastefulness and extravagance of government industry and He added that even it government operations were more economical the social effect of its competition with private citizens would ba and de absolutism might achieve industrial efficiency and the elimination of politics but represent ative government never can Heaven help this nation if any one major industries is ever made to direction by the Congress United he added Experiments in marketing and cotton were mentioned amples of "ill advised intervention of the Chicago July 9 (AP) Cattle: 6000 Calves: 1500 Yearlings and light steers strong to 25 cents higher butcher heifers and other grades light weight she etock sharing advance best yearling steers $865 yearling heifers $850 very dull trade on weighty steers weak to 25 cents lower bulls steady and vealers 00 to 75 cents higher slaughter cattle and vealers steers good and choice 600 900 pounds $775875 900 1100 pounds $75O875 1100 1300 pounds $6758o0 1300 1500 pounds $6508 com mon and medium 600 1300 pounds 7 heifers good and choice 550 850 pounds $7850 common and medium $47 cows good and choice $450575 common and medium $350450 low cutter and cutter $2350: bulls (yearlings excluded) good and choice (beet) cuter to medium $373)475 vealers (milk fed) good and choice $850950 medium $650850 cull and common $4650 stocker and feeder cattle: steers arood and pounds $5503)7 common and medium $4 5 50 Hogs: 17000 including 3000 direct Mod erately active 10 to 15 cents higher bulk 170 220 pounds top $760 230 oou pounds 4v pigs $6257 ow light 740 760 7 GO: packing sows medium and good 275 500 pounds $465575 slaughter pigs good and choice 100 300 pounds $6257 Sheep: 15000 Closing more active than early mostly 10 to 15 cents lower oh range lambs natives and sheep 25 cents down bulk rangers practical top native lambs $760 feeding yearling 6 lambs 90 pounds down good and choice $7700 medium 7 all weights com mon ewes 90 150 pounds medium to choice all weights cull and common feeding lambs 60 75 pounds gooa 44 36 43 35 40 Believes That inding of Coroner in Slaying of Emily Kirhalse New Haven Ct July (AP) Charles A Kirk Hamden farmer to night offered a $2000 reward for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the slayer of his 21 year old daughter Emily whose mutilated body was found in the woods near a fire bouse at Hamden April 25 Although Coronet James Corrigan issued a formal finding June 5 charg ing the slaying to William Wetmore former lover of the girl who two days later took his own life Mr Kirk said neither he nor his family was satis fled with the official statement feel that the coroner's finding is more Jike a dream and contains liu concrete evidence to prove the guilt of Mr Kirk said The members ot the Kirk family including a daughter who married Clement Wetmore cousin of William and neighbors in the vicinity of the fire holse cling to the theory that the slayer was one other than for mer sweetheart i Mr Kirk expressed the opinion that Emily would not have left the1 firy house in which a dance was being held to go into the woods voluntarily with any man as found by the coron er It is the belief of the Kirk family that all the Information concerning the departure of the girl from the dance hall has not been secured The girl's body was found early April 25 by a posse of police and neighbors following an'' all night search The head was badly battered by a 25 pound rock found nearby and four bullets had been fired into the head and shoulders The girl disappeared before the start of the dance when she went to change her apron to a party dress in her au tomobile at the rear of the fire house She had' served with several other women at a banquet earlier in the evening iALLISS LEADS CANADIAN OPEN (Continued from Twenty first Pag?) doz S6c 40c: Mass 36c 41c IRST RACE $1000 maiden two year old claiming mile Time 102 Horse and Jockey Wt St Rocktor (JMann) 112 6 1 Twisted Threads (Kelsay) 112 Dustemoff (RJisher) 112 Also ran Boundary Jorghensen 2 Ioon Jim Moss IRST $1500 two year olds claim ing ay3 luriongs Time luo i a Hofse and Jockey Wt St Night Vintage (RJones) 111 1360 Black Jewel (Steffen) 108 Landward (J Renick) 108 Alsto' ran Gay Party Crystal Prince Chilhoma Expertus Etiwanda Darter Wise Maggie Strathcona izz Bang Lucky Polly Mayetta SECOND RACE $1500 maiden three year olds allowances one mile Time 140 2 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St PL Sh More Power (GE Allen) 112 762 312 252 Annapolitan (RJones) 112 296 234 Thun win (Steffen) 107 284 Also ran Overturn Basilica Dusky Boy Annimessic Toy THIRD $1600 lowances 514 furlongs Horse and Jockey Wt St Oscillation (Borel) 108 1166 Anubia (JRenick) Ill Mexico (RJones) 108 Also ran CraQsman Portden Mak ing Bubbles The Crane Whizz James High Merger OURTH $1800 allowances one mile Time Horse and Jockey Wt Tred Avon (RJones) 102 Mad Career (E 110 Trv It (Steffen) 105 Also ran La Salle His Last Hold Hard ITH £2000 three year olds and up allowances one mile Time 137 4 5 Horse and Jockey Wt Satin Spar (R Jones) 112 William 106 Minotaur (innerty) 106 Also ran The Choctaw Prince Rocket Glare Panchio Recede SIXTH $1500 Ihree year olds up claiming one nine Horse and Jockey Englewood (Dyer) Claret (J JMcTaeue) Peace Princess (Moran) 102 Also ran wnanette Marsch Raal Lady Esme Bavamo micullte Clear Wing Miss Henrietta Trau mei Kitty vviiKms SEVENTH $1500 and up claiming 1 miles) Horse and Jockey Wt Show Down (CE Allen) 413 Dabster (RJones) 110 gearinrtoa (Ttivett) 100 4 NEW ENGLAND AMATEUR NINES TO PLAY HERE (Continued from irst Page) Pittsfield Golfer Hits Ball to Limb of Tree Pittsfield July 9 Laurence Con nor president of the Agricultural Na tlonal bank made a freak shot at the Country club of Pittsfield course He was playing down the sixth fairway pnd the ball ventured onto the 10th after which he took an iron and sent the pellet clear of the woods and dcross the fairways A few minutes' search failed to reveal the hiding place of the sphere and Mr Connor dropped another ball A moment later a caddy found the missing sphere and it was imbedded in the limb of a tree Mr Connor who is an expert at solving financial problems was glad that he did not have to try to play the ball out of its resting place in the limb st Pl 836 348 286 knockout here several Roth were renorted to be in splendid shape for their second setto the Boston garden man agement predicted would equal the $31000 gate receipts mark of their first clash even with a lower price scale Great Barrington Nine Next or Eagle Outfit Pittsfield July The Pittsfield Eagles baseball team is to play the Great Barring ton team at Wahconah park Saturdy afternoon at 3 Miles Benedict and Al uco who tried out for places on the Pittsfield baseball club of the Eastern league will be the battery for the South Berkshire club On Sunday afternoon the Eagles play at West Rutland Vt The Cohoes team will play the Eagles here Sunday the 19th and the House of David team with Grover Cleevland on the mound will meet The Eagles in a floodlight game here Monday evening August 10 BARTON RECALLED vMoody Brothers bo recommend patience: the market was very professional closing prices were slightly higher as a rule We under stand the financial situalton in Ger many is not past the critical period yet but that in a day or two matters should be settled urthermore the market has to face a batch of second quarter reports Patience is the best virtue to possess in a time like Tifft Brothers would do no specu lative buying: "The market regained a little lost ground yesterday and the rally at the close suggests a moder ate extension of the upward move ment We would however do no speculative buying at this time Our guess is that there will be scant chance for profit on the long side for a little while although there Is considerable danger of further recession Dullness close to current levels is also a possi for the ST LEEDS ab 4 4 3 Maloney to Quit If He Beat Schaaf Boston July Still rankling over the 70 second knockout scored on him Jimmy Maloney today vowed to retire from the ring if he failed to de feat Ernie Schaaf in tomorrow re turn bout between these rival Boston heavyweights in the Boston garden Schaaf beats me again going to quit boxing immediately and for he declared as he wound up his training for Jack hard punching protege He was certain he said that his own carelessness gave Schaaf his weeks ago Also ran Klnrs Navy Pros? and Poetry Agitator ITH RACE $1200 three year olds and 1 1 16 miles lime Sh 618 332 893 Beauty Her 36 39 40 S2 38 33 7G40 7 f39 Produce Market 1 Reported by the Massachusetts De partment of 'Agriculture Hampden County Improvement league coop eraling There was a lower trend in values on several local commodities in the wholesale produce market ester day Beets carrots cabbage and wax beans sold lower and supplies cleaned slowly Peas sold readily if of good quality The lettuce market was weak er due to increasing supplies of Ice berg varieties Raspberries and blue berries' were steady to firm om besti quality while receipts showing the ef fects of the humidity were draggy Better grading and packing is noted on early blueberry offerings and prices are holding well Maryland cucum bers were in excess supply and re ceipts will probably move only at price concessions Native tomatoes brought from $2 $250 per 8 qt bas ket Asparagus native dozen $175 3 Jso 2 dozen $125 $150 Beans native round wax bushel basket $1 $125 some low as 85c 90c flat beans 75c $1 green bushel stringless mostly $1 some string ieties lower few at $110 $125 30c 1930 $2102793 $13581150 IND BONES BOY AT BOTTOM SHAT Workmen at Indiana High School ind Moldering Body May Be 10 Years Dead Muncie bones of a boy of 12 to 14 years old were found today moldering at the bottom of an air shaft in the Central High school here The find presented to authorities a baffling mystery A few shreds of clothing were of no aid in identifica tion and records ot the school au thorities and police contained nothing concerning the disappearance of any pupils Circ*mstances indicated that the lad's body had lain undiscovered in the shaft for perhaps 10 years A high school bulletin dated October 1920 was found near the bones Work men who entered the shaft to make repai found the skeleton Corqner Clarence Piepho said the skull gave evidence of a fracture that might have been suffered in a fall down the shaft Doors from three rest rooms one on each floor of the building open into ihe shaft These doors have been barred for at least tw years and were always guarded against the possibility of anyone stepping into the shaft inadvertently The coroner expressed the belief the had been killed by a fall down the shaft dental but of records missing Automobile production in United States and Canada in June totaled 254760 cars and trucks against 327 853 in May and 349596 in June 1930 according to estimate by National Au tomobile Chamber of Commerce Production in first six months was 1 633033 cars and trucks against 2 309265 in like period of 1930 Mobile Ohio railroad omitted pay ment of semiannual dividend due at this time The company has been paying $350 semiannually and an extra of $5 at the December meet ing The road is controled by South ern Railway which acquired $5670 200 of the outstanding $6016800 stock in exchange for stock trust certifi cates now bearing interest at the rate of $4 annually ollowing the meeting of Mobile Ohio directors it was an nounced that no declaration had been made and that it is the purpose and expectation of the board to consider the matter again at its December meeting in the light of conditions and prospects then appearing Beans native dozen boxes 18 50c 60c Beetgreens native box quantities low as 40c Broccoli! native box 85c Cabbage native bushel or box 50c 75c few 85c 90c barrel mostly few $225 Carrots native dozen 30c 40c few large 45c 1 Celery hearts dozen $160 $15 jumbo $225 $240 few $250 Cauliflower native box 60 75c few best 85c $1 Connecticut crate $125 $150 Cucumbers Maryland hampers and bushels $150 $175 few $2 southern bushel 75c $150 hot bed hamper $150 $175 few $2 hothouse box $350 $4 Corn crate $225 $250 Escarole native bu 40c 50c crates 50c 60c Kale native bu 40c 50c crates 50c 60c Lettuce Iceberg crate 12 18 heads 75c few 85c $1 leafy low as 50c 60c head lettuce box 50c 60c ordinary 40c state crate 50c 75c Onions native 50 lb bags 8125 $150 western 50 lb bags Calif Tex $165 $175 hampers $150 $160 Peas native long pods $2 $225 me diums $150 $175 state bu $150 $2 few fancy higher western hamper $225 $250 ordinary lower Peppers crate southern $250 $2 75 choice $175 $2 hampers 75c $1 25 Potatoes new bbl Va Car $265 $285 mostly $275 $285 few $3 Rhubarb native doz 20c 25c few 30c Radishes native box 65c 75c few higher ordinary 40c 50c Spinach native bu 75c $1 Squash native doz large i 12 5 $150 mediums $1 small 50c 75c Scallions native doz 20c 25c Sweet potatoes new bu bskt southern $4 $425 Tomatoes native 8 qt bskt $2 $225 few $250 16 qt bskt $4 $450 ordinary seconds low as $3 Texas Miss 75c $125 Tenn lugs $125 $175 Miss flats 55c 75c according to quality ordinary lower hothouse lb 16c 18c Apples new bu Md Del $160 $175 few higher winesaps 25 8 21 2 2 I lorence Orioles 3 St Catherine Leeds 0 which comprises then every state meets at the Charles hotel to start laying its plans for the first event of its kind to ever come to Springfield The members of the New England tournament committee are Roy Chap in presiaent or tne Triple A John Sullivan president City league Paul Brown of Jack Carmody of Pittsfield Anderson of Hartford Ct Keaney of Providence I Erickson of Portland Me Howard Phelps president of the Intercity league Donald Bagg George Springer and Earl Chevalier of The Republican Victor Wall and Har old Heinz ot The Union Walter Gra ham of The Daily News and Leslie Stearns of The Ever ing Union Wdlter Grahahi heads the publicity committee with such assistants as Victor Wall George Springer Earl Chevalier Donald Ragg Harold Heinz Stearns John lynn of Pi(tsfielj A McGinty of Hartford and Jack Hess of The meeting Sunday night is slated to get unjier way at 815 i In Meeting Tonight The management of the Springfield Athletic Supply ball nine requests that all players be present at a meeting scheduled for tonight at the A Jimmy O'Connor of Notre Dame Ted Plum ot Springfield college and Batoheller of Bridgton acad emy are asked to take special notice The session will be called together at 730 r' JENKINS TO OPPOSE BUALOES TODAY Against the Alientown BuffaloesManager rank Stapleton of the Springfield Hampdens will throw Ernie Jenkins this afternoon when (the Eastern league foes collide in the second game of their present series at 4 Eeakue park The last start of the southpaw found him holding Hartford to four hits but th? fine performance availed nothing because his mates failed to manufacture any runs for him Stapleton stated that Joe Maguire will play right field today if Allen town employs a right hander on the mound Powell wilt transfer to left Bill Hohman in a pronounced batting slump will get a rest If a southpaw toils Hohman will take his customaijy place in left field Manager Joe Bush ready to commit himself on his pitching selec tion last evening The Allentown pilot has Jimmy DeShong Sam Hyman and Powley available DeShong and Hy man are lefties Powley is the right hander recently acquired from Bridgeport Ed Pipgras will be avail able for relief work a task he han dles extremely well Bish yesterday had an application for a job from Henry Grampp pitcher carried by the Chicago Cubs for a couple of years for the sole purpose of thro wing batters in practice SCIOND year olds 6 44 furlongs Horse and Jockey leet lag (Workman) Bobby olsom (Craig:) Varrv DancA Also ran High Tom Sky Boy Letsher Tumbrel ive lagstone THIRD $1000 three year olds upward ciaiming 148 2 5 Horse and Jockey Shawnee (Munden) His Way (Lator) Noine (Remillard) PL 5 2 2 1 i i General Last Attemnt Cambetty How Kago Tom Spanfair Motive RACE $1000 maiden three Time izv 4 wt 1245 RHODY TENNIS AT SEMIINAL STAGE Providence I July 9 (AP) Competition in the Rhode Island singles championships at Agawam Hunt here today reached the semifinal round with the top seeded quartet in the select group of eight moving ahead into those brackets Clifford Sutter of New Orleans and Tulane university leader of the favored division defeated Wilbur City in straight sets Keith Gledhill of Cal college singles third seeded player in the local tour gained the same semifinal brack et with Sutter through a 6 3 6 4 6 3 triumph over Arnold Jones of Providence Ellsworth Vines of Pasadena Cal second on the seeded list here and national clay court singles title holder kept pace with the stars to move into the penultimate round by virtue of an 8 6 victory over Jake Hess of ort Worth Eddie Jacobs of Baltimore defending state singles champion accompanied the other three star members of the select division into the semifinals by downing Dave Jones of Brooklyn eastern college champion in a five set match that took 57 games to decide and consumed some three hours and a half of time one of the longest match es' every played on Rhode Island turf ne scores were 7 9 6 1 6 8 Club Tossers To Play Republican Nine Brimfield July 0 The club aculty team including councilorsAflll take on The Republic an Sporting nine Sere Monday after noon Mark Moran manager of the local team announced tonight The local team took the scriveners over the rocks for two straight during the basketball season and hope to dupli cate the feat in baseball Springfield team Chevalier Boland Bernard Springer Bob O'Herron Jimmy Viens Bill Donovan Jimmy O'Connor Bill Healey Bob Phelps John Sullivan and several others The game will be fetarted at 10 in the morning and 3 5 Sh 7 10 2 5 3 1 Play Treia 1 Berry2 ZiirLI 0 iCvranr OlSkrurecf 0 Berkshire Hills Chib Gets Ready or Pros Pittsfield July The Berkshire Hills Country club is planning for a large attendance of players apd spec tators on Sunday afternoon when the Western Massachusetts association tournament on that lay out Last year when the pros com peted at the Berkshire Hills Ted Hunter of North Adams and Jimmy Young of The Orchards Country club tied for first place with 75s Par for the course is 72 but the 6600 yard layout with rolling fairways is quite difficult to negotiate ajid par has not been it is good 1292 Also ran Birthday Gift Wise Susan Don Alvaro ouall Blast By Mistake Joann Gorham Nancy Jane Hasty Prince THIRD RACE $1200 two year olds claiming 514 furlongs Time 107 3 5 Horse and Jockey Jlrt Jfr6rMnn Knee Hi grh (VSmith) 199 Prince Megan (JSmith) 108 Also ran ictover Mareve Burnside two year 3 5 PL Sh 6 5 3 5 4 5 2 5 4 ana 1 16 miles Time Wt St (Tilden) 110 18 96 Time 138 4 5 AVt St 102 2096 102 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: RIDAY JULY 10 TO VISIT LAYOUT Placid July Stockholm Swedish SAYS INTELLECTUAL CHALLENCE DAY BASED AT CAPITALS UIddIe A ANU ULI TONIGHT CALLED The scheduled league scrap for tonight between Gilbert Barker and A was called off last night when the Gibbie 'management an nounced that they would be unable to place a team on the field A victory for Gibbies inc the postponed tilt would have given them the first round title President Chapin announced that the contest may be played Monday night at orest park The games booked the second round of down on the books as bert Barker was with Perkins but the agement got in touch with Chapin during the day statihg that they could not round a team together Chapin called the scrap off The Diamond Match Westinghouse tilt was called in the fourth when rain interfered The lares werp leading when the down pour came Greenwich Welcomes Champion Billy Burke Greenwich Ct July Billie Burke winner of the national open golf championship today returned to his home town from his champion ship play to receive an enthusiastic welcome from Round Hill club where he works as professional He plans to continue with the club he said although he has arranged for leaves of absence to tour the country playing exhibition games As for the championship he said his victory came as a surprise to him He won the title at Toledo Monday after a gruelling final with George Von Elm Hurrying to the Round Hill club from his home shortly after arrival members gathered in an enthusiastic welcoming group players coming in from the course to 'join the throng The Lions club will hold a luncheon in his honor Tuesday while the Round Hill club plans a reception that night In addition the town of Naugatuck where he was born and where ms parents now also announced plans for a town ebration in honor st Pl Sh 1110 S36 474 upwards 145 4 5 Horse and Jockey Wt Zida (West) 107 Black Diamond 115 Karl nf Warwick 112 Alstv ran SIr Aenes Grecian Drastic Delight Perkins Sweet Joe rick Woodlot The Southerner' SIXTH RACE $1200 three year old fillies claiming 1 1 15 miles Time 147 Morse ana jocxey wt st Wee Drop (West) 107 191(5 Hilee (KRussell) I07 Cilpsetta (Elston) 102 Also Lureen Old Nan Dance Klsia SEVENTH $1200 fillies claiming 1 16 miles Time Horse and Jockey Wt St Reverberate (VSmith) 112 1164 Belen (JSmith) 107 Majel (KRussell) 112 Also ran Scotch Made Cousin Dale Arrowllke Marian Ormont Mint Brown Taffeta 11 Also Warrior Honey Groove ranco*ck Runtill Shasta Grafton Reigh Olga OURTH RACE $2000 Canarsle Claim ing Stakes thwo year olds mile Time 03 i Horse and Jockey Uncanny (GRose) Porgie (Lelschmann) Renaissance (Coltiletti) Also ran Affirmative Corn Silk Brandon Rose jrTTrmpr PifV tlftOO olds claiming mile Time Horse and Jockey Wt Outguess (Stevens) 112 Southco (Kelsay) 117 My ergus (Coltilett) 117 rni i hhii rvirt Ed Night Edition Axenby four year olds l3 Pl 8 5 4 5 I i( 1 1 tog jSP 1 A i 'Z I 5 4 1 1 a a Provisions gave way with grains Leading utures at Chicago High Low Close Change Wheat July 541 4 53 Off Sept 55 54 Off Dec 59 59 59 Corn July 60 55 Off 3 Sept 54 53 Off Dec 48 47 48 Up Oats July 27 26 Off Sept 28 27 Off Dec 31 30 30 Off 1994380 196373! 489921 514493 943604 933818 3427905 3412034 164042 167257 3591947 3579298 68713 65011 59787 46395 102599 103805 162386 150200 91788 103341 183393 188395 31748 60741 432812 414203 667953 663399 9973 10601 932102 927541 3726 1426 14201 14942 498736 533070 58834 58783 25999 26425 5194258 5206496 1736923 1738394 2439572 2389211 16060 41182 3987 5 35625 31833 34836 252734 6 2500848 474368 511815 167979 168170 274636 274636 13007 12631 5194258 5206496 842 pC 844TC 302020 835334 three year olds Time 151 1 5 St PI Sh 1188 676 4261150 480 362.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.