Fall of the Saiyan Hero - Chapter 1 - 0Ghost_Zero0 (2024)

Chapter Text

Goku loved being a hero. Truly, he did. He was proud of the legacy his family had built as the Earth's defenders and it was a thrill to still be called upon to help people even now that he was a grandfather. The smiles on the faces of the people he protected made his heart swell and the cheers they gave as he saved them made his him twitch with pride. And oh, how happy ChiChi and the kids were every time he came home after training or fighting Frieza or Majin Buu or what-have-you, proud to see him in one piece. It was everything a man could ask for, really.

Goku was happy. Why wouldn't he be? He had a beautiful wife who loved him, amazing sons, a granddaughter, and good friends who looked out for him even if they annoyed him sometimes. He had grown strong, his muscles sculpted over decades of intense training, and he had the respect of the whole planet. So, what if his joints ached, or that he found himself yawning more than he'd like, or that he was constantly littered with bruises and scrapes? It was an occupational hazard, and it would pass.

But ChiChi started to hate it. She would kiss him before he left on his missions only to scold him when he came home and she saw the new blemishes on his skin. The yelling made Goku's ears ring, so he would usually tune her out and change the subject, which just made her angrier. He never really understood emotions and feelings very well, so ChiChi's frustration often eluded him. Asking his wife about it only earned him more of her ire.

"All you do is fight!" She'd shout, "It's no wonder you're always hurt! Why can't you take a break? Gohan has a steady job, Goten just hangs out with Trunks, why do you have to keep throwing yourself into danger? Can't you just slow down?"

"You know I can't. I'm a hero, ChiChi. The world needs me."

"No, they don't! You think people would love you so much if they saw how reckless you are?"

Goku hadn't found a response to that question at the time, so he changed the subject once again, earning him even more of ChiChi's rage.

Goku always considered himself a hero. A Saiyan warrior. It was what he was born to be.

If not fighting...what else was he to do? He wasn't equipped for an office job or anything like that. Fighting was all he knew, and all he knew how to do well.

Goku tried to lighten up on the training and go on less missions for a while. Just to make ChiChi happy, but he started to feel useless. He wasn't doing anything that felt productive, and he could sense ChiChi's anxiety whenever he went off on his own. That woman worried too much.

Goku needed to fight. Like an itch under his skin, he couldn't scratch. He needed to train, needed to push himself to his limits. When he did, he felt like himself. He felt relaxed and at peace. He felt invincible.

He was still the strongest on Earth, that hadn't changed, but it was getting harder to find an opponent who could challenge him. He would train himself by using the Hyperbolic Time Chamber on Kami's Lookout, but it seemed no matter how hard he pushed himself, he still fell short of the things he wanted. He wanted to be faster, stronger, better.

His body had failed him too many times. He felt a strange urge to destroy it, just so he could build it back up again. To see just how powerful he could become if he started from zero. It was a restless urge that burned in the back of his mind. He was powerful, but he felt like he wanted more. He wanted more people to scream his name in fear and awe, more foes to face that made his blood pump faster and his heart beat with excitement. He wanted the sweat and the strain that came with a good fight.

And more than anything, he wanted the adrenaline rush of victory. And it scared him, because he had never felt this way before. He wanted more, and he didn't know what would satiate that feeling.

The only people who could fight him without serious injury were Piccolo and Vegeta. They both put up a good fight, but they were held back by their own desires to remain on Earth. Vegeta was a soft family man now, with a baby daughter that he adored. Piccolo preferred to be by himself and teach Goten's daughter to hone her powers.

The others were all weaker than him now. Goku noticed it. He was better than all of them. They were strong in their own right, sure, but nowhere near where Goku had achieved. Krillin, Yamcha, Tien...they'd barely improved at all since the Tournament 13 years ago. He was the best. The strongest. Everyone wanted to kill him. Cell, Frieza, Zamasu, all of them. All of them died at his hands. Because no one could defeat him.

Goku realized...he was in need of more power. He wanted it all. It burned inside him, like a flame that had been stoked and now billowed out of control.

The thought scared him a little, and it should. But as he went about his day-to-day life, it slowly crept up on him, filling his mind until it was all he could think about.

When Goku was younger, he had rarely thought about power and didn't really have a desire for it. He had just been naturally strong. Grandpa Gohan had said that he had potential, but Goku wasn't really sure what that meant back then.

Now he knew.

"Goku, did you hear me? I'm talking to you!"

Goku blinked and turned around. ChiChi was standing by the doorway, her hands on her hips.

"I said, your shirt is torn, go take it off so I can wash it." ChiChi demanded.

"Oh, um, alright." Goku pulled his shirt off and tossed it at ChiChi before sitting back down at the table.

ChiChi let out an annoyed grunt as she picked up the discarded shirt and took it to the laundry room. "You're hopeless!"

She's so angry all the time...why can't she just be happy? Goku wondered as he poked at his dinner.

"If you're not going to eat it, save it for later." ChiChi reentered the kitchen and snatched the plate away, leaving Goku with a half-finished drink. He slouched in his chair, thinking hard.

ChiChi can't understand me...she doesn't want me to be strong. She wants me to be normal.

A tingling sensation crawled up Goku's spine. She...she doesn't understand. I'm the reason she's even alive! The entire planet is only here because I'm here! Why does she expect me to act like everyone else? I'm not like everyone else! I'm better! I'm stronger! I'm the strongest there is!

ChiChi kept pestering him throughout the night, her voice sharp as a knife and just as loud. It bounced around inside his head, causing him to wince in pain. Her words stabbed him over and over, like knives sinking into his skin. He flinched every time she spoke, and by the time the sun had set, Goku was seething in their bed, teeth clenched in a snarl as his eyes darted around the room.

ChiChi was asleep beside him, her long black hair draped over her face, her chest rising and falling steadily. She looked so peaceful, so different from the cranky woman that had nagged him for hours on end.

Goku stood up, grabbing a shirt as he silently exited the house. His fingers twitched at his sides as he walked aimlessly around the property in circles, muttering to himself.

"Why does she always do that? Why can't she just leave me alone? Why does she care if I get hurt? I've always been fine before! And I've saved the planet so many times, what does it matter? She...she hates me, huh? That's why she's always complaining..."

Goku sat down on the ground with a thump, his shoulders drooping forward. "What am I even supposed to do? She wants me to quit being a hero, but what else would I do? She must not know how strong I really am...how easily I could break her...or anyone else."

His fingers dug into the grass, ripping up large chunks. He let out a guttural snarl and tossed the grass to the side. He wasn't supposed to feel like this! He was Son Goku, Earth's hero! Not some sad, scared little boy!

"Why am I thinking about this? This isn't me! ChiChi must be doing something to me..." He scratched at his neck, trying to erase the horrible thoughts. "I'm a good guy, I would never hurt ChiChi...I would never...hurt anyone that didn't deserve it...I'm the strongest in the universe...they're lucky to have me..."

Goku went silent after that. His mouth open and shut like a fish as he stared into the darkness. His legs twitched as he struggled to stand, but he was frozen in place. I'm the strongest...no one can beat me...I'm the greatest…

Goku jerked his head suddenly, like he was trying to shake off water that had soaked his skin. He had the strongest urge to throw himself into a battle, but there was no one around that could give him one. He'd defeated Buu, Frieza, Moro, and any other enemy that came his way. It was almost unfair how quickly he could overpower an opponent, even without tapping into Super Saiyan 3 or God forms.

"I'm the best...and ChiChi doesn't get it...she's trying to stop me...stop me from reaching my true potential..." Goku growled to himself as he clenched his fists.

"She doesn't get it...the world needs me...I'm a hero, she should be proud of me, but she isn't! She just gets angry! Why can't she understand? Why won't she understand?!" Goku leapt to his feet, his power rising to a high level as his hair began to flicker with energy. He powered up into Super Saiyan, his hair now a vibrant gold color that flared in the nighttime breeze.

"Why won't she understand?!" He snapped, his body shaking as he struggled to maintain control. He had to fight someone, had to use all his power! He gripped the sides of his head and groaned, "I don't get it, why am I thinking like this? This isn't me! I'm not a bad guy! ChiChi is my wife, I would never hurt her!"

But the little voice in the back of his head wasn't convinced. The anger continued to build, but Goku didn't let it show on his face.

He glanced back at the house, noting that none of the lights were on. Good.

He then looked over towards the mountains. Satan City was just on the other side. There were plenty of people there...plenty of people he could…


Goku slapped himself across the face. "No, I would never hurt anyone!"


No, I wouldn't!

Goku was struggling to separate right from wrong now. His mind was a mess of emotions and conflicting ideas. He wanted to hurt people, just so he could prove to them how strong he really was, but he also wanted to save them. But Hercule...he's taking all the credit. The whole world thinks he's the one who defeated Buu...and he pays me cash just to keep me quiet about it. They all think he's the greatest fighter in the world...but they're wrong...I did all the work! It was all me!

It's not fair!

I'm a good guy!

"I'm a hero...I'm a hero..." He mumbled under his breath, "I'm a hero..."

He huffed, his Super Saiyan form glowing strong. Without another moment of thought, he flew up into the air towards Satan City.


ChiChi awoke that morning to Goku not in bed beside her. She thought nothing of it at first, until she noticed he wasn't anywhere else in the house either.

"Goku?" She called out, "Are you home?"

No answer. ChiChi hummed in annoyance before waving it away. He's out training, I bet, she thought bitterly as she shuffled into the kitchen to prepare coffee. Idiot...can't he ever take a day off? All he ever does is fight, fight, fight! I wish he'd just relax for once and come home safely! Is that so much to ask for?

She turned on the TV, keeping it on low volume so she could still hear herself think as she prepared her coffee. After a while she realized that the news was on and they were talking about an attack last night. She quickly turned up the volume to hear what had happened.

"Last night at 11:02 PM, an unknown man was seen entering the Satan House in Satan City," the news anchor was saying, "witnesses say that the man entered the home through the window on the second floor, which was unlocked. They did not see him leave the home, and have not reported any damage to the exterior of the home or to the furniture inside. However, reports say that Mr. Satan himself has not been found. The police are working on solving the mystery as we speak."

"Oh, no..." ChiChi breathed, her coffee mug slipping out of her hands and falling to the floor with a smash. "What...who would do something like that...?"

"Police are urging citizens to remain calm, and are asking anyone with information on Mr. Satan's location to contact them immediately."

ChiChi snatched up the phone and dialed Bulma's number. Bulma picked up on the third ring.

"Bulma, have you heard about what happened with Hercule?" ChiChi asked without greeting her friend.

"Yes, I heard." Bulma's voice sounded wary, like she didn't want to believe what she was saying. "I...he's just missing. Videl is horrified, and she's barely speaking to investigators."

"Did they say if they knew who it might have been?" ChiChi demanded, her stomach twisting uncomfortably.

"They said there are no leads." Bulma answered quietly, "It doesn't make sense though...Mr. Satan never did anything wrong. I mean, he's pretty cowardly, but I doubt he made any enemies that would want him gone."

"Right, and what about Videl? You said she was there."

"Yeah, she was out at a movie with Sharpner, I think. I saw them on the news, and they both look pretty shaken up about it." Bulma sighed, "It's so weird, I don't know who would want him dead."

"We don't know that he's dead, Bulma." ChiChi said sharply, "He's probably just hiding somewhere, he's always been a coward."

"Yeah, but..." Bulma trailed off, "It's not like him to run away."

"Do they have any suspects?"

"Um...well...Goku left really early last night..."


"Yeah, I saw him outside my window. It was about 11:00 PM and he just flew off somewhere."

"Eh, that's not a lead. Goku's so innocent that even if he was at Mr. Satan's house last night, I doubt he would hurt him." Bulma said confidently.

ChiChi sighed heavily, her heart aching with worry. "I...I hope so..."

"Hey, don't worry about it! Goku would never kill anyone!"

"I know...it's just..." ChiChi swallowed a lump in her throat. "I'm worried about him..."

"About Goku? Why?"

"He's been acting kind of strange lately." ChiChi said in a low voice, "He's been picking fights with Gohan and Goten when they come over and he hasn't been eating as much food either...and he hasn't spoken to me much...I'm really concerned for him, Bulma."

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Bulma tried to sound optimistic, but even ChiChi could hear the hesitation in her friend's voice. "I've known Goku since he was little, and he'd never kill anyone without a good reason. So don't worry! Mr. Satan is probably just hiding in some hole."

ChiChi eventually hung up the phone after wishing Bulma good luck and made a move to clean up the broken coffee mug. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and she was in a daze. What if...Goku…

No! He wouldn't!

Goku would never do something like this! He's a good man! He's a stupid, caring idiot who wouldn't hurt a fly! ChiChi rinsed out the broken cup and set it aside before scooping up the pieces of the coffee mug. She bit down on her lip to keep herself from worrying too much, but she was finding it hard to concentrate on anything except Goku.

She made herself a new cup of coffee and sat down on the couch, turning up the volume on the TV again.

"Just earlier this morning," the anchor was saying, "authorities were alerted that another person was found dead in Satan City."

"What?" ChiChi breathed silently.

"The victim's name is being withheld until their family has been contacted," the anchor continued, "but a source close to the victim's family has revealed that the victim had been brutally killed and their body mutilated beyond recognition."

ChiChi lost her appetite for coffee and switched the channel to some cartoons that were meant for kids. She couldn't handle watching the news right now.

She wanted to call Bulma again to ask if she had heard about the other death in Satan City, but she was afraid that if she did, she might learn that it was Goku who had done it. But that was impossible...right?

ChiChi closed her eyes and took a deep breath, forcing herself to think rationally. Goku may be reckless at times and not the smartest man she knew, but he would never do something as evil as murdering someone in cold blood! He was a good man, a true hero! She just had to keep telling herself that. Goku would never do something like that! He was her husband, he'd been with her for years now!

Sure, they fought sometimes, and it usually ended with her yelling at him and him ignoring her. Sometimes Goku would make a silly mistake, but that was part of who he was! ChiChi loved him dearly and she knew that he loved her back!

So why did she feel so unsure?

Just then, the front door opened slowly and Goku came walking inside, his steps slow and heavy. ChiChi quickly jumped up from the couch, the remote falling onto the floor with a clatter.

"Goku!" She exclaimed, "Where have you been? Have you heard the news? Where did you go? They're saying that..." Her voice slowly died in her throat when her eyes slowly traveled to Goku's grey shirt and saw red stains across it. Some parts of the shirt were ripped or torn open completely. There were spots of dried blood on his jeans and his boots were coated in dirt and grass. His hair was a mess and his face was smeared with dirt and mud.

Goku blinked at her dumbly, his dark eyes empty. "ChiChi?"

"G....G....Goku...w...what is...that...?" She pointed a shaky finger at his shirt. Goku followed her gaze and looked down at his shirt. His expression didn't change at all. He didn't seem to care at all about the stains.

"Oh? Oh, right, sorry about this." Goku suddenly whipped off his shirt and threw it towards the trashcan, where it landed in the middle of the opening with a wet flop. "I fell over earlier and got all dirty."

"You....f-fell? D-Dirty? Is that...blood? Is that blood?! What did you do?! Who did you hurt?!" ChiChi shrieked, her voice rising to a high pitch as she covered her mouth with both hands.

Goku frowned at her, looking slightly annoyed. "Calm down, ChiChi. I didn't hurt anyone."

"B-But your shirt is all bloody! And you were out really late last night! Tell me where you went right now! I know you were with Hercule last night!"

Goku didn't say anything. He just stared at her, his jaw clenched tight.

"TELL ME!" ChiChi screamed, tears now streaming down her cheeks as she stood before her husband with her arms crossed defensively over her chest. "TELL ME WHERE YOU WENT AND WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!"

"I already told you I didn't hurt anyone." Goku replied coolly, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Are you okay? Here, I'll make you some tea."

Before ChiChi could respond, Goku walked past her towards the kitchen. He pulled a chair out from the table and motioned for her to sit down. He then filled up a pot of water and put it on the stove to boil. He sat down opposite from her while he waited for the water to boil.

"Where were you last night?" ChiChi demanded again, wiping away tears from her face with trembling hands.

"Like I said, I wasn't anywhere. I just went out for a walk and tripped over something. That's why my shirt is all messed up."

"Why were you gone for so long?"

"I dunno." Goku shrugged nonchalantly.

"Did you hurt anybody?"

Goku hesitated, glancing out the window briefly. "No, I didn't."

The water finished boiling and Goku poured out two cups of tea before putting the kettle aside and bringing the cups to the table. He placed one cup in front of ChiChi and sipped the other one himself.

ChiChi remained frozen in place. "The news...they said that Mr. Satan had been attacked."

"I guess so." Goku hummed casually, "I haven't been paying much attention to what's been going on lately."

"Last night....around 11....you left..." ChiChi's voice wavered as she spoke, "You didn't happen to go to Mr. Satan's house, did you?"

Goku smirked behind his tea cup. "Nah, I've never been there."

ChiChi's blood ran cold. He knows something...he did something...there's no way he could have gotten so dirty from just a tumble! Why is he lying to me?

Goku continued to drink his tea quietly, his eyes unfocused and distant.

"Goku...please....be honest with me right now...Mr. Satan...is he...?"

"Dead?" Goku finished with a look of innocence. "Hm...I wouldn't know. I'm not sure what happened to him."

"Please...just tell me...did you hurt him?"

Goku frowned, looking hurt. "You...think I killed him, don't you? You think I'm some kind of monster?"

"Well...no..." ChiChi bit her lip anxiously, "but...you..."

"ChiChi..." Goku reached over and grasped one of her hands with his own. His grip was warm and firm. "I would never do that...I'm a hero! A good guy! Why would you ever think that?"

"You...you've been acting weird lately...I don't know what's going on with you!"

His grip tightened until it felt like her hand was nearly crushed under his fingers. "I'm fine. Why are you always accusing me of doing something bad?"

"Because...you're not acting like yourself! You...you're so distant! And now Mr. Satan and someone else have been...been killed! You....Goku, you're...you're hurting my hand..." ChiChi tried to pull her hand away from him, but Goku held on tight.

He's not letting go...why isn't he letting go? He's hurting me...he's hurting me! What's the matter with him? He's acting crazy!

"Goku!" ChiChi squealed in pain as she yanked her hand away. "What is wrong with you!?"

Goku slowly stood up and gave her an odd smile. "Mr. Satan...he wasn't a nice man...he always took credit for what everyone else did...it's not fair to everyone else who was there...people should know what really happened...that it was me who defeated Buu...not him. I'm the strongest in the world...everyone should know that."

"What does that have to do with anything?!" ChiChi cried out, cradling her sore hand. "You...you did...."

Goku's smile vanished. "You think I killed him?"

"I...I..." ChiChi stumbled backwards, feeling like she was going to throw up. "Yes." She whispered hoarsely. "You're lying to me Goku...I...why would you do such a thing!? What's gotten into you!?"

Goku glared at her and he clenched his fists tightly. His muscles were bulging, veins protruding along his arms and neck. "I don't wanna fight you, ChiChi."

"Fight me? What? Why would..." ChiChi began, but her voice died when Goku slowly walked towards her, his movements fluid like a snake slithering through tall grass.

"If I were you," Goku murmured lowly, "I would be nice. I like you, ChiChi, I don't want to hurt you." He caressed her cheek softly with his knuckles, a gesture that would normally fill her with warmth, but now sent shivers down her spine. He ran a hand through her hair tenderly and rubbed his fingers against her scalp. "You like me, right? Love me? I'd hate to have to hurt you...my own wife..." He leaned down and kissed her forehead gently before leaning back and cupping her chin with his thumb and index finger. "Are you...afraid of me?"

ChiChi couldn't breathe. Her chest hurt and her lungs felt like they were on fire. Her throat was dry and her hands were sweaty. Her entire body trembled as she stood motionless, staring up into the black eyes of her husband. This wasn't her Goku. This wasn't the same man who had rescued her from the Ox King's castle when it was on fire. This wasn't the same man she had married ten years ago. This wasn't the same man who was goofy and dumb but incredibly kind and caring. This wasn't her Goku.

This was a monster.

"Ah...so you are afraid..." Goku smirked cruelly as he continued to hold her chin. "Don't be. I won't hurt you...you're my wife after all..." He laughed quietly before pulling her in for a hug, his broad arms wrapping around her petite frame easily. "My beautiful wife..."

ChiChi remained frozen as she endured his embrace, his body pressing against hers, trapping her within his muscular arms. Her stomach turned in disgust as he touched her, his hands trailing up her back and tangling themselves in her hair. "You love me, right? I know you love me, ChiChi...I love you too...that's why I'd hate to hurt you...my dear sweet ChiChi..."

He's...not Goku...he's not him! She felt panicked and claustrophobic, placing her hands on his chest to push herself away from him. "Goku...stop...please..."

Goku let go, looking confused. "You don't like my hugs anymore? You used to like them...oh, you just want alone time, right? Well, alright then." Goku shrugged before heading for the bedroom. "I'm gonna take a nap now!" He called back over his shoulder, "Make some breakfast."

ChiChi started at his retreating form, watching as he disappeared inside the bedroom and shut the door behind him. She clutched a hand to her chest, feeling her heart beating rapidly within her chest.

What happened to him? What has happened to Goku!?

She didn't want to believe it...but what other explanation was there? He was lying to her! He'd always been honest and straightforward about everything before! Why was he hiding the truth from her now?! She ran to the trash can and pulled out the shirt that was covered in blood. She lifted it to her nose and took a whiff. It was Goku's scent alright, mixed with the strong smell of blood and sweat and dirt.

This can't be real...but it is...this is blood...smells like blood...Goku wouldn't lie to me like this...he'd never hide the truth...he'd never hurt anyone...but this blood...it's…

She didn't know what to think anymore! Nothing made sense!

She hurried to the phone, dialing Bulma's number again as quietly as she could. Bulma answered immediately. "What? What is it now?"

"Bulma, send Vegeta to my house! Now!" ChiChi whispered urgently. Vegeta was the only one who was equal to Goku in power level and speed, and was probably the only one who could help right now. "It's Goku...he's."

"Send Vegeta? But why would-"

"Just do it! Hurry!"

Bulma didn't argue further. "Okay, okay, I'll have him come right now! What's the matter? Did Goku do something?"

"I don't have time, he's...here....right now!" ChiChi whispered frantically before hanging up and turning off the phone. She had to remain quiet so that Goku wouldn't suspect anything. She prayed that Bulma would understand and would send Vegeta over quickly.

ChiChi did not leave the kitchen area as she waited for Vegeta to arrive, afraid of what Goku would do if he caught her talking to someone else. She tried to concentrate on preparing breakfast, but it was hard to focus on anything except for the terrifying thoughts racing through her head. She clanged pots and pans to make it seem like she was cooking while really she was making small nervous noises like whimpering or shuffling around anxiously. Her skin crawled with fear as she stood by the window, gazing out at the beautiful scenery surrounding her house.

"What's wrong?" Goku's voice startled her and she nearly jumped out of her skin as he stepped up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why are you so jumpy? Relax, ChiChi, you're safe."

He smelled like he had showered, his hair damp and fresh as he appeared in new clothes without a trace of blood or dirt on them.

"Um...sorry...it's nothing...I'm just stressed." ChiChi forced herself to stay calm and smiled shakily at him. "Want some...uh...pancakes? I'll make some for you." She quickly turned to make them, not daring to look him in the eye anymore.

"Hmmm...." Goku hummed, "That sounds nice."

"Good!" ChiChi giggled nervously as she made sure her back was completely turned to him so she wouldn't have to meet his gaze. "I'll make lots! As many as you want!"

She busied herself with cooking while Goku stood close by, watching silently. He seemed to be guarding her, or perhaps waiting for her to slip up so he could pounce on her. The thought scared her more than anything, knowing that if she did something wrong, he might hurt her. She had no idea what he would do anymore, what he was capable of. His form towered over her as she tried to make breakfast, his presence overpowering and intimidating.

"So...um...Vegeta should be coming over soon." ChiChi said in a tremulous voice, "He wants to spar with you, I think."

"Vegeta?" Goku mused thoughtfully, "Why would Vegeta want to fight me? I beat him in every fight we've had."

"Oh, well, maybe he just wants to see how much stronger you've gotten." ChiChi said quickly, her throat tightening. She was terrified of making him angry and him realizing that she was hiding something from him. "Um...he'll be here soon."

"Tell him not to." Goku ordered. His voice was no longer playful, but instead sounded stern and commanding.

"Um...what? But Vegeta wanted to-"

"Don't tell him to come here." Goku repeated, his tone darker and more menacing. "I...don't feel like sparring today."

"Oh, uh, okay!" ChiChi kept her tone cheery in hopes that it would fool Goku into thinking she wasn't suspicious of him at all. "I'll let him know." She forced herself to keep smiling despite wanting to scream and cry. His eyes were no longer dark and empty, but were instead filled with an icy coldness that sent chills down her spine. He seemed to be studying her, analyzing every word and movement she made.

"When was he supposed to be here?" Goku asked casually. "Soon, right?"

"Y-Yes." ChiChi replied fearfully.

"How soon is soon? In five minutes?"

"I...don't know..."

"I don't want him here...why didn't you tell him to stay away?"

"I...I didn't know you...didn't want to see him...he's your friend! How was I supposed to know that?" ChiChi squeaked, her pulse racing at the look of suspicion in his eyes. "He won't stay long! He'll leave as soon as I tell him you're not interested, I bet!"

Goku sighed heavily before slowly walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her close to his chest. His nose was buried in her hair and he inhaled deeply, making a contented sound. ChiChi froze up immediately, her entire body going rigid at the contact. This is not my Goku. This is not my husband! He's...he's a monster! A killer!

"Calm down," Goku whispered into her ear, "I don't want you to be stressed out. You should go take a nap. You look tired."

"I'm fine," ChiChi tried to sound upbeat, but it came out sounding strained. "I just...need some time alone."

Goku shook his head and nuzzled her hair affectionately. "No, you need sleep. Go ahead and lay down."

ChiChi hesitated, not wanting to let him touch her any longer than necessary, but he was giving her an order that she was afraid of disobeying. He could snap her in half if he wanted to and she was in no condition to defend herself against him. She nodded silently and broke away from his grip, feeling relief flood through her as she hurried away from him and into the bedroom.

Goku stood in the kitchen like a statue as ChiChi ran off, staring in the direction that she had disappeared into. His expression was unreadable as he contemplated whether or not he should go after her and make sure she was resting properly. His hands were tightly clenched at his sides as he fought the urge to chase after her, knowing that she was not safe here. She shouldn't be around him right now...especially after what he had done yesterday. He felt guilty for attacking Hercule last night, but it was necessary to teach that fool a lesson. Hercule wouldn't make that mistake again...because he was dead now. He had felt satisfied in finally being able to get revenge on him after so many years of being pushed aside, but now the thrill of killing someone was wearing off. He felt like he needed to replace that feeling with another feeling, a similar one. Their blood...their screams...the look of terror on their faces when they realized what he was capable of...he needed to feel that again. He craved it like an addict craves heroin.

He had to find someone else.

A knock came at the door, followed by Vegeta's voice yelling loudly, "Hey Kakarot. I'm here."

Goku stiffened up at the sound of Vegeta's voice calling out to him, knowing that if Vegeta stayed any longer, he might figure out what he had done. Vegeta was smart, smarter than most people gave him credit for. He probably already knew what happened with Hercule and was coming here to confront him about it. That wasn't going to happen, though. Goku wasn't going to let anyone interfere with his plans, even his fellow Saiyans.

So, Goku plastered on his usual smile and opened the door halfway, sticking his head out the opening. "Hey, Vegeta! What's up?"

"Bulma told me to come here quickly...something about ChiChi calling and saying you were acting weird." Vegeta grunted. "What's wrong with you?"

"Me? Nothing! I feel great!" Goku laughed happily, "In fact, I haven't felt this good in years! I'm totally fine, how are you?"

"I'm...fine, Kakarot. Where's ChiChi?" Vegeta tried to look over Goku's shoulder to see into the house, but Goku kept the door close to his body, preventing Vegeta from looking inside.

"Oh, she's asleep! She's really tired right now." Goku laughed cheerily, "Why don't you come back later when she's awake? Then we can all hang out together!"

"Bulma said that ChiChi sounded upset...and panicked. Is something wrong? If something's bothering ChiChi, I want to know about it."

"Nah, she's okay! Like I said, she's just tired! We had a pretty late night last night!"

"Last night?" Vegeta raised an eyebrow skeptically. "What were you two doing?"

"Nothing special! We just watched some TV! Just us, alone, in our house! That's all!" Goku grinned broadly, "We were snuggled up under some blankets! Now, I gotta go check on her. See ya later." With that, Goku slammed the door shut in Vegeta's face and locked it tightly. He stood there for a moment, waiting until he heard Vegeta's footsteps fading away before unlocking the door again and peering out. Vegeta was gone, just like he had expected. He frowned slightly before closing the door once more and returning to the kitchen where ChiChi's pancakes were finished cooking. He removed them from the stove and placed them on a plate before sitting down at the table and starting to eat.

Fall of the Saiyan Hero - Chapter 1 - 0Ghost_Zero0 (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.